Monday, February 7, 2011

Quotes For Warm Socks

Salvatore D ' Augustine

Publications of Architecture on the Web The Italian way

"Mondays architecture "

InArch (National Institute of Architecture, founded by Bruno Zevi)
Rome Via di Villa Patrizi 11, March 5, 2001, at 20

Introduced and coordinated by: Antonino Saggio, La Sapienza
present: Marco Brizzi (director of ), Giacinto Cerviere (director of Hyperspace) [editor's note is no longer online], Sandro Lazier (director of

comment: Francesco Tentori ( Iuav, Venice) Livio Sacchi ("Project")

Speakers in the debate: Renato Masiani (Director of CICS, the

Sapienza), Luigi Centola (New Italian Blood

Coordinator), Paul Ferrara (architect and professor)

The event aims to raise awareness to the public of the architects of the advertising world of architecture in the network. This is not the duplication in the newsletters or Web journals, however, existing on paper, but rather opening up new spaces for debate, analysis, discussion, possible only through the Internet. What is the "story" that has led to initiatives that today represent a point of reference of the Italian architectural debate?
What are the new themes that are developed in these magazines on the net?
What are the modalities of exchange of views between readers and editors of magazines?
Finally as a new area of \u200b\u200bcritical contribution was opened by a looser form of publishing, and direct light compared to print publications?
These are some of the topics on which rotates the evening. With the help of audio-visual facilities and present the characteristics of the three magazines, online publications that have very different characteristics. "" Marco Brizzi, based in Florence and supported Dada group is the most comprehensive on-line magazine of architecture existing in Italy. "Hyper-space"
Giacinto Cerviere, Melfi is an initiative based on much younger, very interesting because it comes from a decentralized territory.

Francesco Tentori
among più autorevoli studiosi dell'architettura contemporanea che negli ultimi anni si è molto interessato al Web anche nella sua didattica allo Iuav e Livio Sacchi, vicedirettore del "Il Progetto" e professore all'Università di Pescara che è interessato nella sua attività pubblicistica e didattica ai temi del rapporto tra il mondo della rappresentazione digitale e quelli legati alla tradizione architettonica. Innesteranno il dibattito con il pubblico una serie di interventi programmati di esperti del settore. Questo vecchio incontro e tante altre storie saranno il contenuto del prossimo colloquio con Antonino Saggio . A seguire la terza lesson by Geoff Manaugh.

Geoff Manaugh *

second part
Inglese translation

So far in this course we talked about the origins of the blog - where it comes from as an art form, what is its literary history - and we also gave a look electronic equipment and infrastructure, including a blogger needs today.
But what should be talking about a blog?

What are the topics to be covered?

More specifically, what is the field of architecture is a blog for?

If we start taking for granted that a blog on architecture should provide feedback and information on practices and issues that now concern the design of space, then we are only half of the definition. Discuss architecture only from the perspective of those who work for designs and constructs buildings rule out a much wider audience and not interested in architectural theory. That all those who experience constant of the built environment at different levels, but which nevertheless did not intend to interpret using the conventions of the vocabulary of architectural criticism. Even users, whose emotions the design of spaces is addressed, they want to talk about architecture.

In other words, there is now a big audience for architectural writing. Architecture is not a niche topic, they are interested in only a few authors
specialist. All this reading public - we could also say the entire audience - live an intimate relationship with cities, towns, homes, infrastructure, landscapes and other forms in the space created by architects.

This long term exposure to everyday products of architectural involves a different mode of knowledge of space. Bloggers would do well to remember when writing spaces designed and the world of which they belong.
How do any of these purposes?
simply Nothing is off topic when preparing a post for a blog. Any kind is inappropriate when dealing with architectural design. Criticism, theory, fiction, essays, lists, interviews, reviews, screenplays, poetry, pop music: the variety of textual forms available is unlimited. Indeed, writing the blog helps and offers extraordinary opportunities for experimentation with the style, tone, genre and the range of cultural references.

Bloggers today have unprecedented opportunities to change the way we speak of architecture - can involve more people and more areas for action.
architectural limits of the debate widened as never before happened in history.

All thanks to the content.
The real power of blogs lies not in any shape, design or even in the URL, as they can be interesting, the power of each individual in the topics blog is spoken of and how they are treated . Gender, the amplitude of the references, the tone - these are absolutely central elements. You're simply re-releasing images from a recent press release - a press that has covered the entire blogosphere world, but to which only you were naive enough to think to publish it - Or are you putting in your own movement editorials, essays, stories, reports and interviews?

And if so, what are you talking about?

Most of today's architectural writing is characterized by a firm belief that architects understand the building better than, say, bank robbers, the workers who repair the elevators or teams urban anti-terrorism. As for me, yet I have not seen conclusive evidence that urban planners better understand the city's pest control specialists, the marathon or even poets.

So how come these three categories are not surveyed, interviewed and involved today when it comes to urban areas?

Similarly, because bloggers should assume that the professional group best qualified to speak about the built environment are the architects?

In many respects, it would be like asking the programmers of Microsoft Word have that review of contemporary literature. Therefore, we use blogs to expand the conversation.
A pair of adulterers around the city has a much stronger relationship with the emotional potential of the urban space that an architecture critic in charge of making a profile
of a new concert hall . The pair of adulterers is linked by a secret knowledge of every nook and refuge of the city, every hotel lobby where you can hide and every door too curious. It is a relationship other than that of the critic, who needs only to write an article to prove his special kind of knowledge of urban space.
Imagine a series of posts written on a blog interviewing people taken in love triangles, or thieves who study shopping centers, and police officers working undercover in spectacular action.
This kind of encyclopedia of urban space in a minor has an unbeatable charm and it is also important from an architectural standpoint. Probably does not help an emerging architecture firm to win the Pritzker Prize next year, but this is not the goal of the blog. Not what the prize to aspire to as a blogger. We are trying to understand the impact that the architectural design has on human civilizations, and vice versa. Our goal is to understand the city, the buildings la costruiscono e le modalità
di uso dello spazio. I blogger non devono lavorare per assicurare che Le Corbusier sia ancora importante.   I blogger dovrebbero aspirare ai premi Nobel e Pulitzer; dovrebbero fare la cronaca dell’architettura come Hunter S. Thompson la fece degli Hell’s Angels, e fare critica della città nella maniera in cui Neil Armstrong fece conoscenza della luna. La cosa importante da ricordare è che l’architettura in sé ha sempre avuto una portata maggiore di qualsiasi nuovo museo, progetto residenziale, villa o stadio inaugurato in qualche città globale. L’architettura comprende ogni aspetto dell’interazione fra gli esseri umani e l’ambiente costruito.

Discutere – o scrivere un blog – di architettura deve quindi comprendere anche altri tipi di incontro meno ufficiali con gli spazi in cui ci muoviamo.
Se vogliamo rendere le conversazioni di architettura comuni come lo sono quelle sui film di successo – o addirittura comuni come le discussioni familiari sul cibo più buono, sulla musica o sui programmi televisivi migliori – allora è necessaria una radicale ridefinizione del linguaggio che usiamo per scrivere di architettura. Perciò iniziamo a scrivere di triangoli sentimentali, rapine a mano armata, furti nei sobborghi, film su case stregate, infestazioni urbane, bagni pubblici poor, archaeological sites, and why not, new museums. These are all ways to understand the city and architecture.

Write buildings as if they were works of art separated from their human context is an anachronism. Bloggers should start from the position that the type of response appropriate extension of a building by Renzo Piano is not necessarily writing a critical article on this project. Perhaps the most appropriate response and environments yellow, to write a screenplay, to experiment with genre and form, with the medium and audience. These
are all examples of how to write about architecture, or how to help direct public attention to a particular building.

cleaners, people jogging, cycling postmen, garbage collectors, housewives terrorists: these are all work or social roles that involve a particular knowledge space, its vulnerability, opportunities and strengths . These views are all available in the same way for authors to blog on architecture, and none should be dismissed out of hand as irrelevant.
Writing a blog of architecture should therefore be allowed a pluralistic approach enthusiastically, recognizing the multitude of genres and perspectives available to work. After all, there are literally billions of people with their own individual experience of built space. The real challenge of bloggers is to find a way to include everyone in conversation.

In conclusion, blogs are a flexible and immediate way to change the subject and the issues addressed in the architecture on paper. If you do not like what you see discussed in Architect's Journal, The New York Times, Abitare, Icon,
or, as may be found on BLDGBLOG, then you provide a simple and obvious: start writing a blog. Published a new post.
discuss the topics that you think deserve more attention. Do this with great energy and commitment. Listed books, buildings, cities, roads, parks, movies, ideas, architects, spaces, techniques, software, dreams, stories, maps, events, technology, other blogs.
Talk about everything you think everyone else should speak.
If we managed to cultivate an audience interested your vision of the built environment - if you can find others who share your interests, your disappointments and your
enthusiasm - then you will have successfully demonstrated not only the power of blogs, but also that you are not alone in your passions .

You have shown what is the role of the blog: that even without the editorial boards and academic panel of speakers, there are still people interested in talking about architecture.

Blogs allow people to participate in a conversation avrebbe dovuto avere spazio da sempre.
7 febbraio 2011
Intersezioni ---> MONDOBLOG

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* Publication authorized by
Geoff Manaugh, Blogging 101 - Content, No Living 509, January 2011, pp. 11-16


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