Thursday, July 22, 2010

Program Thank You Wording Wedding


scarce time to update but I'm around we could not prevent us from doing so! The Pig , born Arnaldo Pini has completed his studies in sassologia ed è ufficialmente Dottore Magistrale in Geologia . Dopo una carriera scolastica costellata di voti alti ma inutili, tipo 98 alla matura, e 109 alla laurea triennale, finalmente il nostro si porta a casa un bel 110 , diventando ufficialmente uno dei più eruditi lanciatori a livello mondiale, se non addirittura il migliore!!! :D

Ora potrà continuare a smerdarsi in fosse e cave ed affioramenti alla ricerca di sassi e rocce, ma con in testa la corona d'alloro (che tra l'altro col maiale ci sta bene!).

Vorrei concludere il capitolo laurea con una nota su nuovi limiti di pezzatura ascellare raggiunti da mio fratello, accomplice in the discussion but pre-post voting power, and lack of air conditioning in the corridors where he was prolonging the wait ... will post the photos as soon as possible!! ahahah

change the subject and pass athletics. I've already talked about the pig begin with him was the tonic more active in recent times, practically raced each 2 / 3 days with an average of interesting results, culminating in the 46e30 obtained Donnas in a race crazy level (the winner has made more than 65 meters and our little friend Vian, with 57 came 7th, in front of the pig!). The only other athlete

tonic sono io , che dopo gli ASSoluti di Grosseto, dove ho corso per ben un ostacolo (su 10...), mi son riposato una decina di giorni per riprendermi da un leggero stiramento dell'ileopsoas, muscolo dal nome impronunciabile, ma purtroppo fondamentale per chi corre e sopratutto per chi fa ostacoli!Cmq adesso mi sto allenando a bomba perchè a settembre voglio spaccare!

Cellino non è più molto atleta, però è diventato un fan delle due ruote a motore; chiedeteglielo e vi descriverà come solo lui sa fare la libidine di andare in giro col suo possente scooter Honda 125!!!

Il Babbo è un babbo....dopo questa tautologia I can tell you they saw him at the gym yesterday, dressed in a uniform that was a good mix of Napoli football player and a jockey of the Palio di Siena .... Embarrassing!
course did a bit of weights at random and then not being a dick! I still look forward to the fore, as though not train runs the 400m in 51 and a half!
Fabione not seen him for a while but if you're interested in has cut his hair and trains in a see-saw, 87 consistent with his other commitments, including dancing, various models and pussies .... hope that run (strong of course) in September! Uncle showed up;)!

Robbi is dispersed in the Balkans or so, but sure who will race in the woods, jump fences, tree trunks rise up, fall in the bushes and dirty with mud and maybe shit, just as bucolic as a man he knows to do! And then of course comment on this post briefed on the situation!

activities Pavlov and Ramon not received, but two of our physiotherapists, masseurs, spin doctors of physical therapy and also escort (for both men and women will be alive ...;) and tell us what the hell are doing, provided that interest to someone (me not so much ... hahaha!).

Now I am just sick of crap write the Next time someone updates!

PS: Last week I ran the 400 more beer, getting the staff (imbarazzante. .. I know) of 2 min and 43 ", only Tonic present with the sole HNNA , the K wonderful coach also said Alex Counts .... For the video of the performance go on facebook or Blog Canegrate!



PPS: since no are in possession of pictures of sweaty pig, pig sweat a place to do the same .... no?: D

Sunday, July 4, 2010

What To Say On A 21st Card

Grosseto 2010

For the past year is the highlight of the season for ordinary mortals, ie Italian Championship, based - as can be seen from the title - in Grosseto .
The record, unfortunately, does not bring good news to the tonic: in fact the only one of us in the race, or , had to interrupt his performance after the first hurdle because of a recurrence of pain in his left thigh. We all hope that is not anything serious and we look forward to the outcomes of ultrasound on Monday by Dr. De Luca , certain that the man with tinted glasses will find, as usual, even the slightest problema (o nel caso certificare che non ce ne sono!).
Dato che altre notizie interessanti non ce ne sono, mi vorrete scusare se porto avanti due polemiche:

Polemica 1 : già eviscerata in tutte le sue forme da almeno 10 persone che conosco, ma vale la pena ribadirlo. Come minchia è venuto in mente alla FIDAL di fare i Campionati Italiani Assoluti di mercoledì e giovedì ?!? Tra l'altro in soli 2 giorni (contro gli usuali 3), costringendo quindi a un tour de force chi dovesse fare più di una gara. Come al solito, si ragiona in funzione della ristretta elite instead of poor people to make the Italians have had to take the leave ...

Controversy 2: the title of the site FIDAL after the first day: "Absolute super: 8.16 Howe, Di Martino 2.01. I have nothing against the testimonial of the Kinder Bueno, but the scoring charts in hand, I'd say there were at least two male best results , or 10 "on 16 100m of our friend Simone Collio and 17.00 m in triple of Donato (ok, this was the second day, could not write it the day before). What I want mean by that? That in Italy there is often a bad habit of speaking of the already famous, even if someone else do better! And, given the results of long and 100m, was a good Starmie " super long and 100m, but so not!

Dear Friends Tonic, what do you think?
await your opinions!
