Friday, May 28, 2010

Benefits Of Lupini Beans

CNU 2010

News from Campobasso, dove si stanno svolgeno i Campionati Nazionali Universitari . Il Facocero , unico Tonico presente, giunge terzo con la discreta misura di 44,45 . Alla stampa internazionale il suino lamenta fondamentalmente la poca freschezza dovuta up early to appear on the (draft) Pićan at 9.30 am but it is very satisfied with the result!

For complete results can look here:

and among other things are updated almost in real time!

Good luck with boyfriends and girlfriends who have not yet competed, and especially the tonic girlfriend Martina and Sara!



Monday, May 17, 2010

How To Shave Toy Poodles

Sausage Festival, Part I

For those not expert in botany poplar trees in the photo. Their large presence has transformed the field of Lodi yesterday seat of the first phase of regional Men's CDS, with a nice Christmas ball (you know, the ones that when the flip, then it snows). The dense presence of the hated duvets, not just broke the balls, but in the end, the various athletes in general and in particular Tonic Team brought home some good results.
I start with myself (the warthog writing, note), not selfishness, but because I was the first tonic to take to the track. When Saturday throwing , despite the huge number of participants (and the return from London the night before), I managed to do a good m 45.73, season best and a good feeling for the near future. Then on Sunday I performed in 3 launches hammer urlacci topped by four, to the delight of those present. These cries led huge tool up to 44.15 m , all in all a good fit. The other tonic to take to the track, his debut season in his case, was in his 400hs , concluded with a good 53 "93 . L 'Angelo Taylor Cassina de' Pecchi despite the last three weeks of preparation have been annoyingly interrupted by a hardening thigh, began with a second faster than the first race last year (even though it was perfectly healthy) and the first release has already closed the case "to the absolute minimum" a sign that with the right leg and winter work well metabolized, we will see some good! A few hours later, also took part in the 4x400m , where fatigue has been felt a bit 'to everyone and no one has particularly shone: it will get better in the second stage! I heard
Fabione , always struggling with his sore foot (but hopefully in the process of rapid healing), while Cello occurred yesterday in Lodi as a supporter, rejoicing con la sua sempre ottima presenza. Già che c'è, gli faremo fare una revisione al bilancio del Tonic Team.

Detto ciò, a risentirci alle prossime news!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Best Sofa Manufacturers

global warming

Come si può immaginare dal titolo vagamente polemico, questo post non parlerà solo di atletica. Alzi la mano chi non si è stufato di fare tutto aprile (e per ora metà maggio) ad allenarsi/gareggiare in calzamaglia e felpa, manco fosse fine ottobre! E che due coglioni!!!

Detto questo, per ora gli esiti agonistici del Tonic Team sono un po' frammentati. Nel senso che il sottoscritto facocero ha fatto tutte le gare in calendario to date from early April, while the other tonics are still waiting to debut. At least for , this should be done on 15-16 May next to Lodi, during the first phase of CDS Absolute , where will compete in 400hs and 4x400m . 110hs nothing for him not to risk worsening of discomfort in his thigh that caused this the onset. The poor Cello, overworked than ever, unfortunately fails to train as you would expect, and for now seems to have no intention to compete, so as not to kill himself. Dell ' acceleration bulls I have no news since last drink: how are your feet? Last tonic still in business (as far as I know, at least) is the father , which I hope will give us his information through the comments. It should be all, unless Rrrrrobbie , catapult South , do not make a surprise return to the bitter (Montenegro) to make a race case, as the crown of his training premises (bench and mountain running, I understand: we'll see if this innovative technology will bear fruit!). There
When updating after the company!
Greetings to all Friends Tonic and good luck to those who competed!
