Monday, January 24, 2011

Nice Things To Say In A Baby Book

Salvatore D'Agostino

" Among other things, the only dynamic albafetizzante, in an otherwise worsening in recent years was fueled by the Internet that has fueled the inclusion of a vulnerable population that was slightly below the minimum threshold of access to the tools of reading and that has exceeded the stimuli found online . (Tullio De Mauro) a
On December 4, 2008, the magazine's website
changed in blog, opening i suoi post/articoli ai commenti. A due anni dall'inaugurazione ne ho parlato con Fabrizio Gallanti - vicedirettore della rivista e curatore della sezione on-line - perdonate la deviazione verso Chiasso. Colpa mia.
Salvatore D'Agostino In uno dei primi post scrivevi: «Per chi non se ne fosse accorto Abitare è un blog, e siccome siamo blogger una delle cose che facciamo di più è guardare altri blog». A due anni dalla sua creazione, alcuni aspetti del blog che non mi convincono: the implementation of articles published in the journal with the use of fake photographs (below, above and / or in the middle); the failure to identify (through a feed) of the articles posted by different authors; the idea to treat the photographs as the background music of local essential corollary;
what I call syndrome mainstream or the opening of the magazine with contributions from readers with the headings: The biennial
the people
(publications of the biennial 2010 photos and pictures sent in by readers),
(autopresentazione del proprio studio di architettura),
(articoli e commenti degli under 26) o il tremolante videoblog
della passata Triennale affidato a Fabio Novembre;
un’impaginazione densa tipico dei portali Web che sembra dire: « benvenuto qui puoi trovare tutto quello che cerchi basta andare a zonzo, cliccando un po’, con la tua manina ». Perché vi è questo divario tra la rivista cartacea - dove in ogni pagina il testo e le immagini sono designed in a consistent manner - and spasmodic inclusivism the online version includes the apparent inconsistency between the text and images? Fabrizio Gallanti The use of a site is quite different from that of the paper. Our goal was to be deliberately inclusive and inconsistent, converting the site into a place of multiple plots. spasmodic inclusivism is exactly a description that fascinates us. Users are then navigating, getting lost, following a few threads running select one that best interests them and building a continuity in time, especially with some headings. The rapporto testo immagine, rispetto alla rivista, è purtroppo determinato dal software, wordpress, che non permette la stessa agilità di impaginazione della carta. Quando dicevamo che Abitare è un blog, volevamo sottolineare che lo scheletro che lo sostiene è quello del blog, ossia uno scorrimento cronologico, dove l'ordine è dato dal tempo, ma dove non esiste sostanziale differenziazione tra i contenuti. Il divario è voluto quindi, trattandosi di due mezzi di comunicazione comunque diversi.
In questa veste Abitare non rischia l’indistinto? Ovvero l’essere in rete senza nessuna forte specificità, confondendosi con il mainstream?
Esiste un desire for "relevance", ie to provide information to the public about what is happening now, at this time. This explains the accelerated flow of posts. Post, however, are the result of the sorting, filtering, not only internal debate to the editor. The specificity is given by the tone and choices, which also combine aerial disciplinary heterogeneous, not only those closest to architecture. The opening to other fields (visual arts, graphic design, film, etc ...) is peculiar to Italian magazines, and Residential: it's not magazines that provide information such as technical, but rather platforms that keep their readers aware scenarios are more extensive, which can be an inspiration for their work and their research. Soon it will be in a library book that celebrates 50 years of living: looking at all the selected articles, it appears this form of eclecticism caught, that does not harbor interests in architecture and languages \u200b\u200bclose and defined. If you follow the post of the site, I revealed the mix of topics and interests, some, perhaps mainstream, some niche, some discoveries, explore some curious, some references to other sites, other written especially for us. In short, the site is a reflection of the wider community that supports residential. It also allows the audience to build their own "menu", avoiding authoritarian imposition on our part. What is a blog for an architect? The application itself does not make much sense. It's like saying "What good is a software architect?". It depends on which blog, depends on which architect. In very general terms most general, if we say that a blog provides information to an architect is good to receive rich (but as a book, a movie, a journey, a conversation). The architecture magazines displayed a chronic inability to debate with each other ed'influire in policy-making in progress.
confining a registrare - rispettosamente - i grossi eventi.
ricostruzione di città o territorio distrutti da eventi ‘fisiologici’ naturali;  
ricostruzione di città e territorio quasi distrutti dal ‘popolo del cemento’ in poco meno di sessant’anni;   piano casa;
revisione della legge Merloni ovvero i concorsi;

the political use of architecture;
construction of the largest in Europe: the Messina Bridge; the construction of a myriad of 'centers business in rural infrastructure;
disqualification 'professional' of the architect;
emigration of Italian architects (not to be confused with the talent).
  • What is a magazine of architecture?
  • Mi sembra una lista estremamente "italiana" nei suoi temi e nei suoi accenti. Ora le riviste italiane, tali non sono dalla fine del secondo dopoguerra. Si tratta di riviste internazionali pubblicate in Italia (da quando c'erano Ponti e Rogers). Per cui occuparsi dei dieci temi in basso non avrebbe senso, perché tradirebbe le aspettative e necessità di un pubblico che sta, anche, oltre i limiti nazionali. Questo ruolo, legato anche alla scelta della lingua, però mi pare che sia assolto e molto bene dal Giornale dell'Architettura
  • , che invece si occupa con frequenza dei temi che suggerisci.
  • Alcuni punti poi potrebbero avere declinazioni più "universali": 1, considering the tsunami, Katrina and Chile; 5, if you try to understand how to teach architecture in London, Los Angeles, Zurich, 6, if you look at the case of Medellin in Colombia , for example. Some issues seem to me very homegrown. Hence the exhortation, still valid, Alberto Arbasino: "We must take a trip to Chiasso and shake off our national provincialism." Even so, I often feel that we just complain and very little action is taken. What are the magazines? To build a thematic debate, presenting projects and ideas to an audience, or rather to a community. A to advance an inch even if the knowledge and information. It seems little, but it's already a lot. pick up the call and return from the trip to Chiasso. What are you proposing the Italian architecture in the international debate? The notion of Italian architecture in itself is empty. There was a phase of development on the city, the history and theory, which has had a significant impact in the late 70's, whose influence lasted until the late '80s. Since then, the very idea of \u200b\u200ba national architecture attribute is a category used questionable. Rem Koolhaas is Dutch in its expressions?
  • And Steven Holl?
  • At best it can be recognized as issues related to an Italian style, language and taste. But compared to issues of international development, there is nothing. Which is curious, given that in other disciplines, the contribution remains important as dance, music or political considerations.
The political debate? I think of all the political thinkers, or rather of political philosophy today: Paul Virno , Maurizio Lazzarato
Christian Marazzi (actually Ticino) Antonio Negri, Matteo Pasquinelli to
. Many of these, in fact they are abroad. In any case, the critical reading and updating of the theories of Marxism in Italy produced continue to have an international impact.

So, if you allow us, we need a trip to Chiasso.

As a guide we use the guide to Gianfranco Bombaci


about the recent meeting sponsored by the Swiss Institute entitled: What Ever Happened to Italian Architecture?

"Reto Geiser, started the first day, dedicated to the past, with an introduction, whose basic assumption is indisputable: in the last century, individual figures like Rossi, Gregotti and Tafuri, and groups such as Superstudio and Archizoom, have built a culture of architecture in Italy, capable of assuming a position of prominence within the international debate. Subsequently, the sunset views of posters and has gradually brought out of the Italian architecture scene, putting aside by commercial forces and speculative. "

To be clear I add a reflection of your beloved POP Fabio Novembre:
    "Let's face it: the great masters were a frustrated group of success. They were all graduates in architecture, but were unable to build because after World War II, manufacturers were already speculators'
  • 4
  • .
  • Before souvenir photos therefore the development of concepts, often separate and apart from the aesthetic aspects. For example, the still strong echo of the thought of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott-Brown is due to their writings, rather than in their work. The same could be said of Rem Koolhaas and many others. In this sense the end of World War II until the late 70s, Italy has hosted an impressive concept to production issues, accents, interests, and not necessarily characterized by particularly exciting architecture. The case of the Tower Velasca, for example, seems symptomatic. A building of high quality, but still not great, it becomes important for the themes it touches, rather than its shape (think of the debate that triggers, with Reyner Banham in 1960 that takes a sample of the "retreat" Italian modern architecture). Thus, different shapes, often opposing positions (Giancarlo De Carlo and Aldo Rossi, for example) and trajectories mainly conceptual and abstract have been a constant cultural pivot at international level. I would say that is not only the Italian architecture to be out of the picture, but any form of thinking about architecture, not only by us but everywhere. So the lament Italian architecture, in fact conceals a nostalgia for a density that appears hopelessly exhausted. Moreover, the problem is, perhaps, that the rich cultural Italian architecture has also been a burden, preventing the development of an architecture less "thought" but done correctly (it is no coincidence that all children modernist masters, say a
  • Luigi Carlo Daneri
  • in Genoa, a Joseph Vaccaro in Bologna, Cosenza a Luigi Mario Asnago in Naples or Milan and Claudio Vender no longer been subject of study in schools of architecture for a long time). Now we are in, all without deep discourse on architecture.
  • In Italy, moreover, no interesting architecture, or even fashionable. At least somewhere else (think Spain, Chile, Croatia, Belgium, Korea, Japan), we can console leafing through magazines and visiting the works of architecture unveiled recently.
  • The frustration of the Italian architects after World War II, I would say that the sentence is just a simplification for a good conversation after dinner, where you have always joke ready.
  • "Fabrizio Gallanti reported debate on policy and how the relationship between architecture, urban planning and governance of the territory is a peculiarity of all Italian."
  • 5
Sack of Palermo the 1950-1970

apartment in Liberty Street [no joke toponymic] 4 rooms, 120 sqm on the 7th floor € 400,000

Milano 2 in this way: "SOME NOTES ON THE RISE: On March 31, 2007 was inaugurated one of the largest retail shopping centers in Europe, called" Roma Est "."

Second souvenir photos bothered to collect them). Other information, impressive, are those collected by John
, a professor at Roma Tre, the Italian property market.
Time: over the past decade, the volume of transactions of residential properties has increased from an average of 410.00 in the previous decade to buy about 700,000 in the last (including the decline of the last two years, after the crisis of 2008). In addition, the average size of Italian and professional studies' of about 1.2 people (including the owner) for study.

What can these figures mean?
Firstly the trend towards the house, not only as prima casa ma anche come investimento, ha depotenziato la domanda di progettazione per edilizia sociale e collettiva. Secondariamente, e a fronte di una evasione fiscale endemica, i dati indicano che la maggior parte del prodotto interno lordo e' reinvestita nell'edilizia privata, non solo nella vendita e acquisto ma anche nelle successive operazioni di trasformazione, che consistono spesso in ampliamenti e ristrutturazioni. Il che quindi implica una atomizzazione dei soggetti 'progettisti' che riescono a sopravvivere al di sopra di una linea di galleggiamento risibile, con piccoli progetti di intervento interno, pratiche comunali, arredamento. La mitologia della 'casa' (non a caso sempre presente nelle ultime vicende politiche nazionali - Balducci e tents to be agreed with the suppliers, the house of Monte Carlo Fini, Berlusconi's villas, mortgages extinct for Members who change for the majority) is complementary to the substantial lack of interest in space and public amenities (for which, among 'there are no other money). This neglect leads to a demand for architecture asphyxiated.

The complaint refers to the lack of competitions in Italy, points to the result of the fact that for decades the public sector does not perform public works steadily and with a considerable mass, museums, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, barracks, squares . Compared with France, Germany, Spain, the level of intervention is ridiculous enough varcare la soglia di una scuola elementare, probabilmente in un edificio dell'800 per disperarsi. È abbastanza ovvio che quando ci siano dei concorsi (riservati alle opere simbolicamente più importanti), questi siano spesso vinti da architetti stranieri, perché più esperti e allenati (e perché offrono poi maggiori garanzie di successiva realizzazione - lo studio italiano con dieci persone e i software piratati non promette nulla di buono). È abbastanza ovvio che sempre meno frequentemente gli studi italiani partecipino e vincano i concorsi all'estero (mentre agli italiani che si sono spostati in altri paesi, le cose non vanno male, anzi). Io penso che una moratoria delle facoltà di architettura per 5 anni, sarebbe excellent. We do not accept any students and graduates. At best you un'iperscuola of excellence, national, with 100 students per year and the best teachers around. A normal architecture of Pisa. Perhaps the Bocconi Luiss or could try. Close the option would allow the market to absorb the excess of graduates and give time to rethink the teaching of architecture, leaving much of the current teaching staff went on board, possibly providing some form of renewal. Moreover, the methods of selection of future teachers do not suggest anything positive on the horizon, since it attempts to incorporate those who already is more or less internal the system, the various precarious, researchers and contractors (often children and relatives, unfortunately, other ordinary members). Now this view of the precarious university is curious: it is a sense of guilt, very Catholic, as where someone has suffered in the past, should receive compensation. But there is no evidence that researchers and contractors would be in itself very good teachers. I'd like a system like the United States where all the teachers are under contract, with renewal related funding. But very well paid, not the current peanuts, which are demeaning to all (some contractors may teach for free, the cynical scoundrels and their institution).

Perhaps repeat the state exam every five years would be a good idea. In many countries to stay the orders entered, professionals must continue to be formed, accumulating credits (by participating in seminars, symposiums, training courses). A system of this type, remove dead branches, on a question of education that could revive the possibility, putting side by side across generations. Inject a bit 'of sap in a dead scenario. You may groped several things. But my feeling is that Mourinho is right: "

Italy is like Portugal, everyone is talking about the problems and no one does anything to solve .

"Yet, as a young architect active in the field, I can not identify with this scenario. Ideologies do not recognize in past has gone, I think I have the right, and perhaps even the duty, to study, with intellectual honesty, and work history, tradition and the theoretical work of our culture, to Rossi by Tafuri, by Branzi Gregotti to, without having to be accused of being neo-conservative or reactionary. Someone, in his time and his reasons, he "killed the fathers of our generation without worrying about raising children who, by himself, have cut their teeth in a world that has changed very rapidly and has become global. Italy houses at this time many professional companies able to compete fully with the international context, through projects, exhibitions and publishing initiatives. This condition, however, will run out soon, since thirty-five young European designers are beginning to realize major projects, while our remaining on the card. The current ruling elite and intellectual in the country has to bear this responsibility, taking a critical-theoretical discourse of continuity, culturally and politically capable of interpreting, supporting and guiding new generations of designers. Or step aside. Otherwise there will continue to obsessively humming the usual reassuring rhyme: "tre elefanti si dondolavano sopra il filo di una ragnatela…». (Gianfranco Bombaci) 6   Terza foto ricordo constantly participating in competitions abroad. Those who continue to complain of 'elites' and expect munificent gestures from other generations is mistaken, or perhaps it is complicit in the system. Basically I believe that Padoa Schioppa was not so far from the truth when he accused of laziness Italian boys and girls. Big babies, he said. I think that in any Western country (not even worth the trouble to speak of the emerging countries) households have spoiled their children so much, since the very early age. Which makes them incapable of any independent action. While in the U.S., for example as banal as obvious, Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in 23 years (or 28 Andrew Mason creates Goupon) from us, a located on the Republic or the Courier, letters of fathers and mothers (ah, the Italian mothers) or who complain that their children should go to work abroad - and in that case the author of the letter was the rector

of Luiss, Pierluigi Celli (!) - or thirty years their daughter is still precarious. If one thinks is surreal. In Italy no ruling class has to perform and can take on anything, they understood the students who are demonstrating. When they begin to understand that they must also unseat their teachers, researchers, fathers and brothers in other words, maybe it will be a step forward (because these are also the ruling class). As it says Bombaci, someone has to step aside. Now I see by the 35 year-old and a 40-year old choral movement and united and coordinated to create some form of transformation and transition. Rather, they are all waiting for openings and opportunities, to creep into the folds of the systems in place. If you look coldly the current situation is so complex, intricate and intractable that a fall in his arms, and in practice, and surveys of Censis, the prevailing sentiment is that of disillusionment. In general, and so apocalyptic, I think the whole country is in decline, slowly and inexorably, an agony that never ends, a grandfather too long attached to the respirator. Perhaps only a real e proprio crollo potrebbe scuotere qualcosa e imprimere un cambio di costume, di idee, di attitudini. Basta guardare i dati dell'Economist sulla crescita internazionale, ogni settimana, per preoccuparsi. In un mondo che cambia, l'Italia non produce nulla che interessi nessuno, né alte tecnologie, né prodotti a basso prezzo. La nicchia della qualità e del lusso, applicata a prodotti a bassa complessità (formaggi, vestiti e sedie) è costantemente erosa dallo sviluppo di altre realtà (ogni volta che partono gli imprenditori italiani in Cina o India o Brasile, convinti di invadere i loro mercati, rientrano con le pive nel sacco, perché scoprono che in pochissimo tempo, laggiù, faranno meglio). 
architecture can not suffer the consequences of this condition of gradual irrelevance. And within the system seems to implode, because I do not think there are strong pressures for fundamental change: the individual and collective representations, I think college and professional, now more and more useless, trying to survive as long, ignoring problems and putting in the worst familistic mechanisms and patronage. Well, right now, I think that the scenario is quite black.
Given prevailing individualistic reading of the company (we are still in G.), at this point that each might be saved himself, so I think that one of the few options is a one-way ticket. Thanks for the trip. January 24, 2011
Intersections --->

Using WA

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__________________________________________ Notes: 1
Tullio De Mauro (ed. F. Erbano), The culture of the Italians, Laterza, 2010. 2
Gianfranco Bombaci, What Ever Happened to Italian architecture?, Domusweb, November 10, 2010. Link

Held in Rome on 15-16 October 2010. Link
4 Interview with Fabio Novembre, Klata, No. 4, Autumn 2010. Link

5 Gianfranco Bombaci, op. cit.
Gianfranco Bombaci, op. cit. Living has been online since 1996.

current version, between the blog and portal (managed by Wordpress): December 3, 2008 Layout: Mario Piazza

+ Gergely Agoston (AAP
Publishing project: Matteo Poli Valentina with Tufts
Dedicated software

: Gergely Agoston (AAP

Editor: Fabrizio Gallanti, Valentina Tufts, Francesco Franci
First post: Valentina
Tufts, MVRDV in Gwanggyo, December 4, 2008 at 18:15

First Comment (15
December 2008
"if we lack a clear cultural project and high profile, if we lack the explicit sharing of an approach to architecture, especially-if-we do not have time to develop a convincing proposal, because the present set looming next Biennale? I believe in all sincerity that be architects / Italian / middle-aged, is not significant enough to form a coalition the international community "... (Stefano Boeri, July 10, 2002)
So Boer said in the letter sent to Sudjic and all'Aid'a, the association founded by Casamonti, on invitation, by the latter, Living Lonely participate in the Venice Biennale in 2002. As if to say that the problem is not only ethical but also cultural. Casamonti in recent years has the market-oriented architecture through its magazines, today the Group Il Sole 24 ore, and through its network of lobby and support that has been cross-sectional and involved most of the directors of the architectural magazines, professors and deans of the faculties. Well the theme proposed by Mirta, but it is true that there has been treated by anyone, see Espresso (in the case of Florence) and Gomorrah in the intertwining business and political figures in the GRA-architecture and Rome. It is not just the relationship between public-private partnerships we need to consider the continued absence of a political project of the city, where politicians are increasingly flatten and the logic of the market and consumption.
hello, emanuele ( Emanuele Piccardo ) most commented Post:
Profession in Italy - An open discussion on the profession in Italy, Stefano Mirti letter, December 14, 2008

Friday, January 21, 2011

Amir Khan Reebok Clothing

Salvatore D'Agostino

Ross Ferorelli graduate engineer-architect ubiquitous blogger
The nest and the spider web and
The characters of the chronic disorder
January 15, facebook (remember the Web bulletin for the consumption of college students?)

, created the group Niba Niba definition of "network in the network." That observed from the architectural blogosphere 'facesfera' architecture (forgive the neologism but facebooksfera booksfera or, because of the book, it seemed a bit 'blasphemous).

Several times Wilfing Architecture (

February 2009 - March 2009
- April 2009 - May 2009
January 2010 - February 2010 - April 2010 - June 2010 - October 2010 , any inquiry architects dedicated to bloggers Beyond the sense of place and the intersection
MONDOBLOG ) talked about the marginal role, if not irrelevant, the blogosphere 'architectural' Italian. Not present at the international level.

Let me clarify two things, maybe a bit 'controversial' Web log and Blog ': ' The key of a base platform for blogging - notes Giuseppe Granieri 1 - could be reduced to a form for entering text into a database and an output module that will extract and display them on a web page, with the last inserted text placed at the top and others to follow downward. Using a similar system, to publish something on the Web does not need any technical expertise, if non quella di elaborare testi al computer. Se guardiamo all'organizzazione dei contenuti, caratterizzata appunto dall'annotazione più recente in alto, secondo alcuni il primo weblog [...] fu anche il primo sito web in assoluto, ovvero la pagina costruita da Tim Berners-Lee sui server del CERN (Comité Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire)». Web log (contratto successivamente in blog per approfondire qui ) indica un sito web autogestito - personale o collettivo, con o senza redazione - dove vengono pubblicati in tempo reale storie, informazioni, notizie, opinioni o note visualizzate in ordine cronologico inverso. Non necessariamente i web log sono aperti ai commenti. Wilfing Architecture from 2008 studying the network inspired by the thesis about culture converged Henry Jenkins.
"For me, however, - quotes a passage:
When this item is only a few months old - never mind the years - many of these things may seem terribly dated. But this is the nature of blogging, where anything written more than two years ago is as old as the Dead Sea Scrolls .
Next MONDOBLOG will host an interview with Fabrizio Gallanti deputy director of Abitare magazine and curator of the pages on-line. We'll talk about blogs and Chiasso.

di Geoff Manaugh *

Leggi la prima parte (La storia): 0033 [MONDOBLOG] La storia * web architectural theory, which does not belong, but in the long history of writing and dell'autopubblicazione, a visionary tradition that includes figures such as Martin Luther, William Blake to Walt Whitman and Woody Guthrie. This month we will focus on a more prosaic: the equipment required to create a blog to keep you alive. These are, first, the infrastructure of staff bloggers, computer access to the Internet, from spam to the server software that acts as the host. We will also try to provide an abstract guide to shopping for those who want to throw in the experience of the blog and an overview of the technical difficulties involved in the fact to be a blogger. This form of writing, in fact, he clashed with some limitations, some of which are so serious that it can not be underestimated.

Behind every blog, lie two key components: a computer (either a desktop, a laptop or a PDA) and Internet access. Following are the various applications for the blog: in the U.S. we have services like Blogger and Wordpress, Moveable Type, but also, Cargo, Tumblr, Typepad, etc. Posterous. is important to note that almost all blogging services are free and that a blog can be activated in just over half an hour. At this point, you can close the magazine and start with your blog, and the cosa vi costerà molto meno di quanto avete speso per leggere questo articolo. Ma ci sono anche altri costi, che sfuggono a una prima osservazione, e alcuni inconvenienti. Senza accesso a Internet è impossibile bloggare. Ciò può avere l’effetto paradossale di rendere difficili gli spostamenti. Il blog promette un’infinita mobilità – una pubblicazione senza limiti, non basata su uno specifico indirizzo – ma se l’hotel in cui alloggiate, il treno su cui viaggiate, l’aeroporto in cui sostate o l’amico che vi ospita non sono coperti dal WiFi, siete nei guai. È poi necessario predisporre un back up dei propri contenuti. Utilizzare un servizio gratuito significa spesso collocare i propri scritti – anni e anni di lavoro – su server collocati non si sa dove, in un remoto deposito posseduto da Google. Mettiamola in un altro modo: esistono ancora un certo numero di problematiche irrisolte riguardo
il mantenimento degli archivi personali nell’era dell’informazione digitale.
Il blogger prudente, quindi, non mancherà di conservare in un luogo sicuro le copie del suo lavoro. Per bloggare è anche necessario l’accesso a un computer. Non è obbligatorio avere un proprio computer. Dopotutto, si può usare quello di qualcun’altro o andare in un Internet cafè (uno spazio sociale sempre più difficile da reperire nelle città statunitensi).
Detto and in any way, you need a computer. As for me, even before the spread of blogs I had a particular attraction to writing because of its "portability" because it was something I could do almost everywhere and at low cost. Many of my friends felt the need to always carry an acoustic guitar or camera (with a lot of expensive film and lenses). To me, however, had only a pen and some blank paper.
One or two cups of coffee and was ready to move. Blogging suffers a considerable change from that type of situation, since it requires a system infrastructure significantly greater than in where occasional writers of the past would have thought, not to mention more time to spend in front of the screen and indoors. That said, it is necessary to clarify that there are different tools that may be useful to any aspiring bloggers. Twitter is more than a tool to inform in real time on what you are eating for lunch. It can be a fantastic and extremely fast way to share links and initiate discussions. You can use link to save by making them available for networks of friends or colleagues, you can save photos on
and simply redirect to your blog, you può co-postare su Facebook ecc. Quando questo articolo sarà vecchio solo di qualche mese – lasciamo perdere gli anni – molte delle cose dette potranno sembrare terribilmente datate. Ma questa è la natura del blogging, dove qualsiasi cosa scritta più di due anni fa è antica come i Rotoli del Mar Morto. L’ultimo punto da sottolineare riguarda il fatto che il blogging dipende da infrastrutture digitali, dai computer agli accessi a Internet, fino alle reti globali di satelliti e cavi sottomarini che rendono la vita online possibile. Tali reti tecnologiche, di cui sorprende la densità, dal punto di vista storico non rappresentano certo una novità; l’innegabile dipendenza del blogging da sistemi Industrial much larger than it should not be a motion critical of the essence of writing online. After all, even the pen and the Moleskine implied the existence of factories, plastics, chemical companies that produce ink, paper, transportation, arrangements for the import and export of aviation fuel in administered prices and much more.
This is a listing that matches what we consider modern. Highlight the maze of objects behind the blogging scene is crucial because it allows to become aware of how it can be used not only for e-commerce, information warfare and downloading porn, but also to share ideas, to host conversations, for dissemination to a wider audience than the network of close friends their thoughts, their readings, their points of view. Blogging is an unprecedented opportunity to become something more than a consumer of magazines or others' opinions. offers the opportunity to participate in the production of the cultural sector to a level unimaginable only a generation ago. A person, not specialized in the theme around which to build a blog in a few years can rise to the level of quasi-expert.
to create a blog, then, can represent an investment in the futuro più redditizio dell’impegno nella stesura di una tesi di dottorato (che per molti miei colleghi negli Stati Uniti ha rappresentato un binario morto). Come avevamo visto nel precedente articolo, la flessibilità dei punti di riferimento – e la libertà dai vincoli disciplinari – rende il blogging una forma potente in grado di promuovere una profonda revisione delle regole del gioco. A perdere il loro status di custodi del tempio intellettuali sono non solo i redattori di riviste e libri, ma anche le università, i think tank, le aziende di consulenza ecc. Se la possibilità di rivoltare il mondo della cultura richiede l’apprendimento dei rudimenti dell’HTML e la connessione alla banda larga, allora si tratta di un prezzo da pagare assurdamente basso.

21 gennaio 2011

Intersezioni --->
Come usare WA
------------------------                ---------------------------
What WA


Joseph Granieri, Blog generation, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2005, pp. 25-26.

How To Remove Caulk Wihtout Scraping

Geoff Manaugh *

the first
: The history – about the spaces human beings inhabit and construct for themselves. We put blogging not in the context of architectural theory, however, where it doesn’t belong, but in a long history of writing and self-publishing – a visionary legacy that includes figures from Martin Luther and William Blake to Walt Whitman and Woody Guthrie. This month, we will instead look at something much more mundane: the equipment needed to start and maintain a blog.

This is thus the personal infrastructure of blogging, from a computer to Internet access, from spam-blocking software to an online host. This is both an abstract shopping guide for anyone who wants to start a blog and a broad look at the technical shortcomings of being a blogger. After all, there are many limitations to this form of writing, some of which are quite serious and should not be overlooked.
At the very beginning of any blog, then, are two key things: a computer of some sort –desktop, laptop, handheld – and Internet access. After those come blogging applications of any sort: popular services in the United States include Blogger and Wordpress, but also Moveable Type, Cargo, Tumblr, Typepad, Posterous, and so on.
It’s important to emphasize that almost all blogging services are free, and a blog often takes no more than 30 minutes to set-up.
You could thus put this magazine down right now and start your own blog, for infinitely less money than you paid to read this article.
But there are hidden costs – and many inconveniences. Without Internet access, you literally cannot blog at all. This can have the ironic effect of making travel quite difficult.
Blogs might promise infinite mobility – a publication without bounds, based at no particular address – but if your hotel, train, airport, or even friend’s apartment doesn’t have WiFi, you’re left in a bit of a hole. You also need to back-up your content; using a free service often means that you are hosting all of your writing – years and years of work – on servers based somewhere far away in a warehouse owned by Google.
Put another way: there are still many unsolved questions about what it means to maintain a personal archive in an era of digital information, and the cautious blogger would do well to hold on to copies of his or her work. Further, to blog you need access to a computer. You don’t necessarily need to own a computer – after all, you can use someone else’s or go to an Internet café (a social space increasingly difficult to find in U.S. cities), but you need a computer nonetheless. For my own part, before blogging existed, I was attracted to the very idea of writing precisely because of its portability: it was something I could do almost anywhere, and incredibly cheaply. Many of my best friends needed to haul acoustic guitars around with them or pack expensive cameras – and film and extra lenses – but all I needed was a Biro and some blank paper. Throw in a cup of coffee or two and I was good to go. Blogging is a very noticeable change from that circumstance, requiring far more infrastructure than many casual writers would once have dreamed – not to mention more time sitting in front of a screen, and more time staying indoors. Beyond this, though, are many subsidiary tools that will also prove useful to any aspiring blogger. Twitter is more than just an ongoing report of what you ate for lunch; it is a fantastic, and extraordinarily fast, way to share links and start discussions. You can use to save links in public, amongst networks of friends or colleagues; you can save images on for easy reposting on your own blog; you can co-post things on Facebook etc. etc.
By the time this article is only a few months old – let alone years – much of this will sound embarrassingly dated.
But thus is the nature of blogging, where anything written more than two years ago is as ancient as the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The important points to end with are that blogging requires digital infrastructure, from computers and Internet access to the globe-spanning networks of satellites and undersea cables that make all of online life possible. These technical constellations are stunning in their density, but they are not, as such, historically new; blogging’s undeniable dependence on industrial systems far larger than it should not be held against the very idea of writing online.
After all, Biros and Moleskine notebooks also required plastics factories, complex ink chemistries, paper mills, logging machinery, international import/export agreements, subsidized jet fuel, and much more. Such a list would, in fact, be coextensive with everything we now consider modernity.
What is more interesting about noticing the labyrinth of objects that lurk behind the scenes of blogging is how these can be used not for e-commerce or for Internet warfare or for downloading porn, but for spreading ideas, hosting conversations, and telling more people than just your closest circle of friends about the things you are thinking, reading, viewing, and more. Blogging represents an historically unprecedented opportunity to become more than just a consumer of other people’s opinions and reviews; you can participate in the production of the cultural sector to a degree that would have seemed unimaginable less than a generation ago.
One person, untrained in their chosen topic of blogging, can rise to a position of near-expertise in mere years; to start a blog can often be, I would argue, a better investment in your own future than to start writing a thesis in a Ph.D. program (the latter option being something of a tragic dead-end for many of my colleagues in the United States today). As we saw in the previous article, the flexibility of reference – and the freedom from disciplinary constraints – makes blogging an extraordinarily powerful form of disruption.
It is not just magazines and book publishers who have lost their status as intellectual gatekeepers, it is universities, thinktanks, consulting firms, and more. If turning the entire cultural world upside-down requires you to learn some very basic HTML and to remain tethered to broadband access, it seems like an absurdly small price to pay.



* Publication Authorized by Living
Geoff Manaugh, Blogging 101 - Equipment, No
508, December 2010, pp. 151-153

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dish Network Dvr Expander

Salvatore D'Agostino
in its Latin meaning: "indicates the place or person that you came from or are moves away or there is different. " USE: Use , use, employ, use, and so on.

 indaga l'utilizzo di  A  che si trasforma in  qui Delle sfaccettature di A
che si trasforma in
ne ho parlato con Federico Zanfi autore del libro '
Città latenti '. Una riflessione laica sull’edilizia spontanea per ripensare le città sfrangiate. Quest'intervista va integrata con una nota sul progetto di descrizione della città di Comiso, curata by Federico Zanfi with images of
Salvatore Gozzo : 0012 [AB USE] Salvatore Gozzo purposes of soil builders. "
This is the beginning of the editorial urbanist Astengo John wrote for the magazine Urban number 48 in December 1966.
The cover of that number did not offer an ideological loopholes. It was draped in mourning. Celebrating the death of the Italian territory.

Federico Zanfi is clear that all those issues that are more current. Landslide of Agrigento was perhaps the first, certainly the best known story in which a portion of land lack of maintenance and construction weakened by excessive exploitation, yield. In recent decades, the record of the South has been marked by too many similar cases to count them now, Giampilieri will only last for a short time in this series. In fact, these phenomena are given throughout the country, statistics show impressive figures on the number of landslides that occur every year in Italy and on the amount of land damaged by flood. Landslides are given the North and the South to a widespread neglect of the soil, but these events in the South intercept another fact, related to the topic of this conversation. They turn into tragedy, more often than elsewhere, because mudflows sweep away houses that should not be where they are, as in Sarno. The illegal building in this sense is not the cause of the collapse, or at least it is a contributory cause, but makes it more likely that the failure to become a tragedy. These events are working as spies for a few days wear on television and in newspapers on the front page a landscape in which the illegal construction was the exclusive mode or at least one of the prevailing mode of construction of the territory but not in the public debate has never really been represented. The most recent debate has been played on the Punta Perotti and few eco-monsters who have had an impressive media overexposure, and that have distracted attention from the real issue. I mean the real problem in terms of quantity. When there is a tragedy as in Sarno Giampilieri or opens a window instead of attention to a fragile landscape, inhabited and intensely at risk - the eco-monsters are all empty, however, always - but it closes soon after. There you forget. And it should start from these windows on this critical landscape reconstruction of an image update of unauthorized construction in our country.
We open the windows in our country and look at what happens behind the simplification of the word 'eco monster' and 'illegal'.
For a large class of Italians prefer to circumvent the law and build illegally?
I think we can say that the media battle against the eco-monsters, led by environmental groups, has had a positive and a negative. One side has large sections of public awareness towards the issue of the landscape as a common good. Think, for example, in Bari and the thousands of people who were on the waterfront to witness and participate in the demolition of the buildings at Punta Perotti Matarrese. On the other hand, has fostered a misunderstanding led to think that the problem was that, that is, a few dozen large unfinished buildings, all empty, in beautiful landscapes, which are certainly a mess, but they are trifling when compared with the environmental and social issues that is raised by extranorma million housing units that are the fabric of much of the town common noon (there is a recent book by Paul Berdini 2
that attempts to reconstruct the estimates, however, never officially provided by the Ministry of Public Works, the total amount of housing remedied through amnesties , which are scary). Behind two-dimensional image dell'ecomostro is in fact a country that becomes so widely and anomalo, e spesso produce delle situazioni precarie e a rischio, come quella città impressionante che si vede sulle pendici del Vesuvio. Città di cui ci accorgiamo solo quando capitano fatti come a Sarno o Giampilieri. Ora, perché si costruisce così. L'abusivismo è stata una prassi consolidata negli ultimi decenni perché è stato sempre conveniente, e perché c'è stata un'implicita politica che lo ha consentito. L'abusivismo conviene ad uno stato inefficiente, che non predispone i piani di edilizia economica e popolare tempestivamente, e lascia sfogare in quei processi di autopromozione/autocostruzione delle tensioni che altrimenti si ritroverebbe magari organizzate, in square. The illegal agrees to a local political patronage, and implicitly allows control and blackmail. The illegal stature of the average Italian family, the family business, because it saves on costs because it makes the house incrementally, when has the resources, where it wants and how he wants. There are so many shiny readings on all this, since the seventies, I question the need to repeat these things. The fact is that now all these conveniences are beginning to no longer be such. First, between the state and regional roles, on the territorial government, have changed a lot with the reform of Title V of the Constitution, and you will notice when you think of the contrasts that have been very strong among many governors and the regional economy minister during the last amnesty. Second, the municipalities are unable to redevelop areas abusive, have no money, and these areas remain very poor infrastructure and services more than 20/30 years of their birth. Third, families have changed, now the home of family abuse, to be completed, for a guy with some ambition and a contemporary culture is a resource or a condemnation regressive? All these thing are changing conveniences intertwined at all levels, and I believe that the scenario will be different soon. build extra buildings in accordance with Italy is not a 'phenomenon' are given. Any city has its hidden dynamics.
dynamics that can not be seen with the most critical categories and parameters planning regulations.

wishes you a layman look for not persevere with the generic interventions - often disastrous - dictated by the emergency or amnesties.
"Building reckless in disregard of the nature - says Peter De Paola President of the Council of the Order of geologists - has ruined the land, making it fragile and dangerous. In fact, you often see in big cities, but is occurring in small ruined by the worst. Turning to the municipalities with fewer inhabitants not repent a semblance of planning, and often are ignored the mapping of risk areas. All this has made it difficult if not impossible to manage the hazard zones, which have proliferated in the territory
lay observer means to analyze the complexity of the city, avoiding pre-established categories of analysis.
Because, as you claim, "if we reflect on how this city is probably the largest joint project ever in our country, a place which, the paucity of references to the disciplinary points, we know rather little. Habitat from the construction of which a democratic architecture and urbanism sono state progressivamente emarginate – smentite nelle loro previsioni – e che oggi continua inspiegabilmente a non ricevere la loro attenzione

. 4

Quali criteri suggerisci per analizzare e intervenire in questi tessuti collettivi condivisi e costruiti – per paradosso - democraticamente?
Si possono dire due cose, una su come si guarda, e una come si interviene.

La prima è che lo sguardo attraverso cui si è osservata la città abusiva, e questo vale soprattutto per gli urbanisti, è sempre been affected by some of the prejudices which prevented to see things for what they were. The lens through which lawlessness and speculation has always looked at people in a sense crushed the differences, then preventing the projects to take on local contexts. Today, looking back to these places we endeavor to bring out the differences, because quite similar buildings resulted in very different tissues depending on the developments. Urbanized coastlines and countryside, urban settlements in the valley, are characterized by specific problems in which opportunities to withdraw are closely related to these local differences, these latent resources that a soil a given ecosystem, a condition of settlement can allow. Let me be clear, this type of look is not exculpatory, the trial against these rapacious forms of urbanization should still remain very hard, but things should look closely for what they are, without a preliminary argument to prove at all costs. Only then we realize those 'details' that is a local resource on which to leverage a transformation project realistic.
The second thing is that to be effective in these contexts is necessary to reactivate a new form of individualistic mobilization, which is explicit and virtuous. This might not seem like heresy, but we can draw all the best hypothesis intervention, but if we fail to mobilize a critical mass of families in those houses have increasingly unsaleable assets substantial parts of their savings, our project will remain marginal. In this sense, a project to illegal now must find a way to unwind in some of the dynamics and transformation processes that damage to some extent already in the territories, and that we can recognize as its strategy, to pursue and address. City latent tries to summarize the work three grooves, which are close to the emergent processes of accountability, infrastructure spontaneous adjustment, and under-utilization and abandonment that are given today in the city improperly. Becomes crucial be able to interpret these trends in design strategies, even if you want to 'force' a little reality, and find the levers and incentives which make that move those who today live in this city toward shared goals and sustainable environmental and Financial.

serves more than three basic misconceptions:

1. any waiver on a national scale leaves unresolved the relationship between the civic space - considered non-city - and its inhabitants;

2. spaces squatter - branded as anti-city - have urban identity;
3. the songs are not abusive city ghost town.

are three difficult issues, which I try to answer aa points, perhaps easier.
1. The amnesty, the way he has implemented so far, on a national scale, it leaves unresolved the question of what you call 'civic space' misuse of the city in two ways.
First, by the time the abusive individual owner adheres to the regularization procedure, that person has every reason to demand infrastructure, and to believe that the responsibility of the space outside of his fence is not his private, but both the public entity that prepared the mechanism of the amnesty. Person who should take action to rehabilitate no man's land through a recovery plan. It is a process that relieves the individual, who acts as a disincentive to care for the outside space, leaving the question of the residual space between the fences outside of his responsibility.
Secondly, and is the most known and obvious, the amnesty permanently leaves unresolved the issue of urban renewal because there are no resources to address it in the manner prescribed by law. The resources were never there to tell the truth: there is a huge deficit between the revenue from the amnesty and the costs of urbanization made retrospectively from the first amnesty, in the second half of the eighties. The Waiver is a matter only for the government promoting it, but the implementation of urban renewal plans, at the expense of local authorities (they receive from the proceeds of the amnesty only the part of infrastructure costs not paid at the time of the building without authorization), translates into an expenditure unsustainable. Making the infrastructure (infrastructure as traditional and rigid lattice) inside a city that not only is there, but that is often grown in a disorderly manner, is an intractable for most of the municipalities, not only in the South. The result is that recovery will not do, or do you share in modest, so that decades later these places serving an impressive poverty their open space.
2 and 3. My opinion on this point is that in these parts of the city still reside energy is not exhausted, and quality have not yet cleared. Their generative processes of molecular and unfinished, then, are a resource and a specificity that distinguishes this type of urbanization of the suburbs more "generic" that swept in recent decades throughout the western world. There are opportunities in short, if one knows the view, resources to be reactivated, which are currently dormant. This is not meant to be in no way a reading acquittal or lenient toward illegal, mind you. It is an interpretation that contains a project that takes those houses and those territories as places where the opportunities lie, to be put to the test with a project. It is also a response to those positions, which I think is too simplistic to dismiss the city as a form of abuse degenerate to delete everywhere. think that 'ghost town ' is the title that the publisher had proposed to me at first. But we had not understood, the book will just make it clear that there is no ghost, there is nothing invisible: these places are the horizon of our everyday landscape. What is the altitude from the southern city that was built by illegal? We can say that it is a ghost, or is invisible? Let's say that there are very specific local situations, ranging look at, interpret and plan for what they are, without prejudice or general labels. Ghosts will become if nothing is done, if you let the energy vanish and that these landscapes will follow a gradual drift towards marginalization. How many places have many stories and tell us some stories also collected in the book.
The book suggests three guidelines for the design of the hidden city. What are they?
If at the level of disciplinary culture and administrative culture, we can overcome misunderstandings of the three we talked about, then we can think of a different progetto e a una diversa politica pubblica per la città abusiva. Città latenti si sforza di definire tre tracce di lavoro, che si possono intendere come le tre strategie di una possibile e rinnovata politica per queste forme di città. Sono tre discorsi progettuali, che stanno a ridosso di tre tendenze già rintracciabili nelle pratiche, e che intendono intensificare queste predisposizioni. Intendono utilizzare le energie disponibili e gli andamenti già spontaneamente assunti dai territori come risorse da indirizzare verso esiti condivisi e sostenibili.
La prima visione progettuale è quella di una città abusiva che diventa città, anche e soprattutto nell'immaginario collettivo, grazie ad una responsabilizzazione progressiva di chi la abita e ad una rigenerazione dei propri beni comuni che non passa più attraverso un meccanismo paternalistico e difettoso come il Condono, ma attraverso dei programmi di riqualificazione partecipati. È già una tendenza che si riscontra dove la percezione del fallimento dell'azione individuale da parte degli abitanti sta facendo maturare un senso di responsabilità e alcune azioni comuni tese alla costruzione di una dimensione collettiva che non è mai esistita, ma che oggi è più che necessaria. L'esperienza dei Consorzi di Autorecupero e dei Toponimi avviata dal Comune di Roma è un buon esempio in tal senso. La seconda visione riguarda una città abusiva che si aggiusta molecolarmente, che si migliora grazie ad un sistema diffuso di componentistica tecnologica e ambientale che si attua sugli edifici ma soprattutto nello spazio vuoto tra le case, lo spazio più abbandonato e trascurato. Una nuova generazione di infrastrutture, di promozione privata e consortile, che recupera il deficit infrastrutturale che questi territori scontano abbandonando un'insostenibile idea di rete pubblica, rigida e capillare, che raggiunge ogni casa, e mettendo al lavoro nuovi dispositivi ecologici ed energetici. Una strategia, in estrema sintesi, che considera una città in cui ci sono le case, ma non le reti tecnologiche e sanitarie, come un potenziale laboratorio per la sperimentazione di infrastrutture non pubbliche, non gerarchiche, non-rigid, downstream of the failures of the seasons of "urban renewal" of the past decades. All this requires a conscious institutional framework and policy incentives at the local level, as the Salento has tried to do with her PTCP. The final vision is unfair that a city dissolves into the landscape, which is deleted in its segments and underused disqualified due to a system that consists of new techniques and incentives, taking advantage of processes that begin to emerge disposal widely. It is able to take this opportunity to offer these processes of abandonment and target design viewpoint, recognizing that the removal of this city will be showing his muscles like the rare, often failing demolitions have tried to do, but rather how to interpret the acquired rights - when these houses are already forgiven and is a frequent case - can be made to migrate, move to areas of concentration and re- , freeing up more incongruous building, abandoned and expired portions of land to be returned to nature and its processes.
Three visions consciously simplified, trying to point out and distinguish, even though the territory is often intertwined processes are given, in coexistence. In that sense I believe it is not conceivable to act only on one aspect of the three I listed: an effective policy - I guess I built a regional and provincial level, since the national and municipal level are respectively too far and too close to be able to handle the specific characteristics of these formations character supra - will include all three, and try to answer through a combination of these three trajectories of transformation to the need to project that the city today expresses abusive.
January 17, 2011

Intersections ---> AB USE

Using WA
------------------------------------ ----- ---------- What

John Abstaining, after July 19, Urban No 48 December 1966

Berdini Paul, Building A brief history of abuse in Italy, Donzelli, 2010 Link
3 Daniel Autieri, geologists, professionals in the trenches to meet a ruined country, La Repubblica, October 11, 2010 Link

Zanfi Frederick City, latent, Bruno Mondadori, Milan, 2008, p. 67

La Libertine Streaming

texts written by Federico Zanfi picture
Salvatore Gozzo

This article
be integrated with the interview prepared by Salvatore D'Agostino:
0013 [AB USE] The city of Frederick latent Zanfi

Comiso (Ragusa) offers an urban situation common to many medium-sized cities of Sicily.

A Building Program (1971) has been for over three decades the only urban serving difficulties in the government of the urban sprawl for a physiological aging and intrinsic stiffness. The plains north of the center consolidated eight-twentieth century was the only possible direction of growth for the city, bordered to the east and west from the river and the ridge Ippari Iblei. Along this route forecasts edificatoria the PDF you are prematurely exhausted - Comiso presents a weak positive demographic trends and never stopped since 1951 - and the new building in the 70s and 80s has developed in an abusive way, losing firmness and dispersing in the countryside . This expansion device interested terraced buildings organized on 2-3 levels, generalmente con il garage e l’alloggio per una famiglia al piano terra e due alloggi per i figli ai piani superiori.
Morfologicamente l’espansione abusiva ha rispettato le principali direzioni di crescita individuate dal P.D.F., per cui assistiamo ad un tessuto urbano piuttosto regolare, in cui le lottizzazioni individuali sono servite da strade in continuità con la maglia della città consolidata adiacente. Il nuovo Piano Regolatore – iniziato negli anni Ottanta e approvato nel 2000 – ha recepito queste espansioni considerandole come aree B di completamento e come aree C di espansione a seconda del loro grado di compattezza, rilevando il deficit di attrezzature collettive (Comiso alla data di adozione del P.R.G. had, on the surface, less than 50% of the land for services provided by decree) and by making generous estimates of adjustment. Lots not built on were entered for public funding and has provided a major route facilities combined with a ring, with a design that ambirebbe arc to lead to a form over the northern edge of town growth.
the present day land for many services have already been expropriated, but the difficulty of finding the resources to carry them out makes such areas remain empty: in many sectors of the built illegally built has already exhausted the allowable volume according to the PRG for in these tissues can not be built further and remain pending a termination configuration. -

Cristina is a student and lives with his parents.

All homes you see around here were raised 20 years ago, more or less when I was born in the midst of olive trees and almond trees, no roads. We have done like many other families who have come here, they buy a lot and have built the house illegally, because the houses were the center of the small and old.

Today all the buildings around here are forgiven and the City has also led the streets and all the services. But in the beginning was not so, there was no way we always had to take water from the well there in the garden.
The lot on the side of our house is locked, because the volume it was possible in this area has already been exhausted by existing buildings in an open area and who can not make us his house. A few years ago took over the city, has snatched the still empty lots and for them to car parks, squares, but for now they are just vacant lots, some use them as landfill. It's a little 'desolate, especially at night, there seems to be in town.
The houses around here are all similar, in the garage and there is no living parents, and above there is room for apartments for their children. We are still very connected to this family model. Here, for example, also lives next to the sister of my mother's cousins, and she lives grandmother. We live for the moment all together on the ground floor, two floors above them have finished, but they are still empty. There are two apartments for me and my brother, who is smaller.

I study at university in Ragusa, I move every day, now is a situation that is good because in this house we have all the comforts. But I can not say I'll stay here to live, in this context does not like me. I'd rather go downtown, or take a detached cottage. My mother tells me that the comfort and space you have in a house so you can have them if you go downtown, and he's right. But I also affects the context, I like to go down in the street and find shops and places to stay.

Many buildings in this part of town have apartments for their children on the upper floors that are empty. This happens because the kids of today are marrying later and longer at home with his parents, or because they went off to study and remain to live elsewhere. But also because they have chosen to live in other parts of Comiso and other types of homes.

January 17, 2011
Intersections --->

How to use WA -------------------------------------- --- ---------- What WA