Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Vinyl Record Storage Crates

of Salvatore D'Agostino
Preview standings
New ]
06 blog.it

[New ]
02 blog.it

3. [ -3]

Degradation Esquilino

5. [ -3]
's Blog Marco Boschini


Rome sucks
7. [


Stop the use of the land
[ -1]

Vigna Clara 9. [ +3] CARTELLOPOLI
(Although overshadowed by the blog
record incoming links. Here's interview here Wilfing Architecture and the proposal of 'Il post di Roma'
Romano Year 2010: Massimiliano Tonelli
). 10. [
Mobility Palermo
[ +3 ] Ciacci Magazine

12.  [ -6]     Comuni virtuosi
13.  [ -3]    Comunità provvisoria

16. [ -8]
Michele Dotti
17. [
18. [ +27]
Improve Torino!
19. Rome Bike Sharing
Standings months preceding October
November and December

This month I have included several blogs and blog again I invite you to report unlisted.
Since more than a ranking, I would like to relate all the urban realities through Web pages activate specific urban dynamics.
Among the many nuances of the issues addressed by the Urban Blog, I invite you to read Mobility Palermo. A blog that monitors, in collaboration with agencies, urban mobility, "Palermo is a city of untapped potential -
write on the blog -: just ordered an expansion that has followed, together with the lack public transport and, above all, a malfunction of the existing ones, making it unbearable to say the least. "
To better understand their business will carry an excerpt of an informal mail * : 
«Nella nostra città, dei veri Urban Blog che parlino di cosa accade materialmente in città non né esistono, eccetto (con tantissimo rammarico e modestia affermiamo ciò). Esiste Rosalio
, che più che altro è un blog dove si discutono tendenze, appuntamenti, mode, spettacoli e ogni tanto qualche fatto urbano riguardante la città. Ma credo che siano piani diversi su cui ci sì muove.
Vi sono diversi comitati e associazioni che, ognuno nel loro campo, propongono una loro linea: gruppi d’acquisto solidale, associations tend to party a summary, campaign groups on specific issues. So many entities, including small. But very few have an emphasis on using the web. Mobility Palermo is a portal than a blog because it has updates on various sectoral issues that are faced every day. We take care of infrastructure and works great mobility, but not all. We have extended our scope to all those areas of management of a metropolitan area such as Palermo. So we embraced the theme of green, private investment on a large commercial scale, the old town and so on.
But all with proactiveness. C'interfacciamo very often with the technicians of the companies doing the work of the projects, receive material that we share with the audience. Made proposals to the departments in charge and simultaneously promote actions to raise public awareness and administration. Example We believe that our greatest achievement, in synergy with other associations, was that the pedestrian part of parts of the city center. All this happened as a result of tight technical meetings with the assessors, on the ongoing activities in the media and cooperation with other movements. Example .
Finally we mark - as promised - the opening of the intersection (investigation) URBAN BLOG . January 4, 2011
Intersections ---> Wikio
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__________________________________________ * publication authorized by the promoters of the blog.
PS: I invite you to go beyond the mechanisms of the league. need to get more details of this ranking: 0001 [Wikio] An interview with the heads of blog aggregator Wikio


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