Thursday, January 13, 2011

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di Salvatore D'Agostino «Nella decorazione d’interni, se non anche nell’architettura d’esterni delle loro residenze, gli Inglesi sono i migliori. Gli Italiani hanno poco sentimento, oltre ai marmi e ai colori. In Francia
meliora probant, deteriora sequuntur
– la gente è di indole troppo bighellona per mantenere le proprietà domestiche, delle quali ha, a dire il vero, una raffinata considerazione, o per lo meno, gli elementi per un appropriato giudizio. I Cinesi e la maggior parte delle razze orientali hanno una fantasia calorosa, ma fuor di luogo. Gli scozzesi sono decoratori scarsi . Gli olandesi non hanno forse che una vaga idea del fatto che una tenda non è un cavolo. In Spagna non ci sono altro che tende – una nazione di carnefici. I Russi non arredano. Gli Ottentotti e i Kickapoos li seguono pari pari. Solo gli Yankees sono contrari al buon senso.   Non è difficile vedere come ciò accada. Noi non abbiamo un’aristocrazia del sangue, ed essendoci perciò come cosa inevitabile, creata per noi stessi, un’aristocrazia del dollaro, l’
display of wealth here is to take over and do the function of ostentation heraldry in monarchical countries. Through a transition readily understood, and that may have been readily foreseen, we were brought to merge in a simple show our notions of taste itself "Edgar Allan Poe

Mario Praz, taking both the title and the intent of subtle denunciation of his time, published in 1964 Longanesi , sub: Changes in taste for interior decoration through the ages from Roman times to our

Praz, argued that " the house is the man who lives " but do not despise those who lived in hotel rooms or who surrounded himself with furnishings " humble or ugly " who had a sentimental value.
Today the description of the interior is passed from the journals - Domus, Abitare, Interni - general supplement to the Corriere della Sera and Repubblica, without excluding external connections into the homes of VIP in television.
writer Giuseppe Genna
in this

POINTS DE VUE, makes a parody using the narrative device
image with caption
presents his
miserable housing solution
'"The owner lies asleep on a sofa in cool weather, the time is near midnight: we will give a sketch of the room while he sleeps." The sofa had been left empty by a madman, and now filled him with another crazy named Edgar Allan Poe "Mario Praz

Among the books stacked on the nightstand to fuck, there are those secular and metaphysical ones. On the surface, in the days when it was stolen this precious and meaningful image, half of the book by Alessandro Piperno, entitled "Persecution" and it is only the first episode, so we will spend € 40 for it while Whole Alessandro, who can not won the Strega Prize in 2011, it won in 2012. Then there Guattari on Kafka, a dazzling collection where no one understands and you can quote all the wretched thing that actually is doing, because the numinous image has been kidnapped and hidden in the days of writing the novel.

The library table to the right of that is the right of the bed in the room of course bedrooms. Here the two platforms on which they rest Idolino sacred only to the miserable, except the two sides that are sacred Lingam not only to the miserable. Lie awake in the floor above many small Buddha and Shiva metal base more or less. Behind the idola tribus not, texts of metaphysics, mainly nonduality.
Idolino A detail of the miserable, untidy in horizontal arrangement, which illuminates the dimly lit interior state of the wretched author, but also indicate, for via formale e potentemente metaforica, che cosa va a fare il Miserabile, visto che quelle icone tridimensionali stanno DAVANTI ai libri.
Il pianale metafisico metaforico dall'angolatura della parete verso cui punta la Miserabile nuca quando il Miserabile autore compie nottetempo i suoi viaggi astrali, risposando le stanche membra che non hanno fatto una cippa tutto il giorno.

Uno dei due Lingam sacri. Dietro di quello, una collana di testi a cui il Miserabile tiene assai.

Dalla porta di entry (as well as output) Cotesta is the prospect of Chambers room in which the author attempts to shrink in miserable dreamless sleep with awareness, on time and failed. If he opens his eyes from the bed, lying down, he sees in front of the library, which is metaphorical of horror and disaster mental primacy of dialectic that crowns the head. On the right you can see the office chair on which, in five years, you will be sitting three times, while the very large desk will only buy when the wi-fi version of Fastweb, which is now only in cable, because the benefits Miserable a subscription archaic and not want him to install, the wi-fi, engaging with the customer care of Fastweb una lotta senza quartiere (stanno alla Bovisa, comunque) con il Miserabile che discetta in vari dialetti regionali e con diverse tonalità, per pura surreale performance.

Una visione frontale del pensatoio futuro del Miserabile autore, quando potrà sfruttare il wi-fi Fastweb e quindi poserà il suo laptop sulla scrivania della stanza da letto. Si noti che, al posto della tapparella o delle persiane, il Miserabile è costretto a oscurare la luce del giorno con una tenda impermeabile che, alla prima tempesta, esce dalle sue fragili guide e va continuativamente riparata, a colpi di 200 euro. Infatti sta giù da più di un anno, dissestata da that was a hailstorm, and the room does not see natural light from hundreds of days. monastic bed, anorgasmia, prosolinghi, double white, saturnine, de-exciting and also where the wretch undone by the evils of soul and body, while not a hair shirt, but ambendovi at this point. In the table on the left, note two drawers in the miserable one wants to hide a dildo as the stars of "Sex & the City", but it does not, because of a dildo does not know what to do.
L'erborista e iridologo Tiziano dell'erboristeria di viale Sabotino angolo via Agnesi (erboristeria frequentata decenni orsono, in quanto ora il Miserabile si reca sempre e soltanto da Bruno e Sonia in Via Ripamonti) advised the wretched writer, who at the time he smoked a pack and a half of Marlboro Medium, a contraption that is an electric speaker of propolis. The cartridges of propolis smoked their way into the grid, then right-turns on the archaic mechanism and an LED lights that measures the state of consumption of the cartridge balmy. To reset this measurement, simply press the button to the right, by doing this unnecessarily with an end to any heterogenesis unknown.

The second compartment of the wardrobe in which the miserable pulls on for years, wasting between different tissue textures. Apparently empty compartment on the bottom and are backed up in the bristol is stretched out, in black and red marker, structure, plot, and an indication of citations for non-fiction "Hitler."
Right, the knickers. Left, socks.

The helmet rose from "vice" that wretch wore July 18, 2010, on the ring, square Belfanti height when he was hit by one of two people scooterone Milan hinterland, which have plunged along with flight at the landing where the miserable wretch was found broken collarbone and five ribs and a lung collapsed. You can see the microstrip on the helmet a few things, just due to the strategic choice to protect the head from the collision, when the head was protected by the helmet itself, preferring a broken shoulder in a brain hemorrhage.
The 2001 vision of the poor who has the shoe helmet to the unspeakable space called "the other room." D'stuck: the mirror confusing and frightening to the left (2.30m high, one enters, suddenly appears to itself at a distance of three inches and infarcted), the combination of books sent by obscure and unknown authors that publishers do not understand why email them to me as almost more than I review, the wireless corner on the floor, the desk at work Scazzi passion desire and boredom (my whole life is consumed therein), the library divides the space of the stove and refrigerator from a compartment vacuum in which they lie helplessly boxes of books and years of the magazine "Poetry", which I'm afraid to open because I have a phobia of insects and with great horror that inside the magazine there are now millions of moths of the paper.
all'infilata rotated 90 degrees compared to the "other room", the fast and convenient toilet author of the Miserable. The tank with a lot of phone shower no longer has a telephone shower, because it broke the Ecuadorian Gladys, the gray pajamas hung out to dry is a gift from my mother and my sister and one could wear it to make Calgary and the Olympic downhill ending up sweaty. A glimpse of the far right anti-dandruff shampoo, at the health (shamefully wide open: the toilet). The color dark green robe is a gift of the mother of Clovis, my neighbor: he lost lint for three years at a rate antiaritmetico, should not exist already lost more than fabric, so it has a secret in hair growth.
"The other room": the library con i classici, la letteratura, pochi Meridiani Mondadori, il mobile tv con la tv che non serve più a nulla in quanto non è attrezzata per il digitale terrestre e il lettore dvd è rotto da due anni, così a questo punto guardo tutto in streaming sul pc, ché tanto quel tutto della tv era solamente il tg di Mentana. La chaise longue davanti alla libreria è un vezzo da decadente e da schiena in iperlordosi e danno lombo-sacrale. Dietro il tavolo, che è coperto di libri e sulla cui minima porzione libera mangio in maniera alimentarmente scorrettissima ai limiti del radioattivo, c'è il divano col copridivano blu: anche questo, come il letto, è illibato. Nessuno viene mai a casa mia, potevo comperare una poltrona, così I had more space. The model chosen by his friend Donald is disastrously inefficient and receptacle of CDs and DVDs and books inutilissimi, such as those regarding the philosophical counseling, a profession which, by persisting the state of unemployment, will you take, seagull the order of psychologists .
Library of unused space with the lethal nest inhabited by millions of moths imaginary card, eroding for years the pages of multiple vintages of the magazine "Poetry". In the third shelf to the goal: the complete works of David Foster Wallace.
The disastrous and inefficientissimo mobile sideboard purchased from taxation the friend Donald: you can see the portrait by Thomas fattomi Pincio, which I sent him via regular mail, giving me the only material form to which I am emotionally attached to the My Miserable mansion. We sense, the painting above Pincio, the portraits of the poet Antonio Porta, one of his daughter in six years and a snapshot of a child among children. The rest are CDs, DVDs and VHS films Jodorowski.

sofa, table burdened by inutilissime literature, chairs used as a hook: the perspective of the center of the "other room" a partire dalla scrivania dove lavoro vivo muoio.
La chaise longue presso cui posso rilassarmi ascoltando Mozart, mentre non mi siedo mai, non sono mai rilassato, non c'è volta che ascolti Mozart, perché lo stereo non va.
Il cumulo teratomorfo dei romanzi a pagamento o non che giungono presso la Miserabile abitazione, inviati da ignotissimi scriventi o cupi editori minori, ma anche da Marsilio, Ponte alle Grazie, Mondadori, Alet, nella speranza vana di una qualche suppongo recensione: non recensisco quasi più, ma questi assedianti a colpi di carta non desist.
From within the "other room" you can get stuck for more perspectives - for example one that leads the eye to the mystery latitudes of the kitchen, where the tiles are not to be trod Miserable human beings since the entry into the equally dense miserable tenant. In fact, he feeds on substances suspected radiologically and chemically unsuitable, in temperatures that never exceed 10 °, thus having developed gastritis that has succeeded so far as to devour itself, and then thanks, I'm pretty good stomach.
stomach'll be well enough, the miserable writer, but it is legitimate to have doubts about her psychosomatic keeping: hypochondria as he is in a Woody Allen as Alexander the Great to you in terms of strategy and knowledge of Hellas. The oscillococcinum no illusions: the wretched disease is not homeopathic, it is the setting of a pharmacist, who is in the pit the pharmaceutical corner of Bligny and Ripamonti, which, as tall as an elf, homeopathy and naturopathy is obviously a ball . The presence of antibiotic Suprax (as a side effect which means that any food, even the flour has a flavor of yogurt expired in May 2002) and Arcoxia dell'antianchilosante we say a lot about physical presence of the chin author of misery.
A grappa made and donated drinking once his friend the poet Mario Benedetti: the poor and miserable teetotaler, except when he takes a sudden and surprisingly gin and tonic, which coincides with the phase down of author ', often linked to its poor economy (which does not coincide with those of temporary workers, but rather with those across Europe after the fall of '29).
The cupboard in the kitchen. A summary trusted nutritional Miserable attitude is unmistakable packaging artificial lemon juice, sour grotesquely made up of a mixture of sodium citrate, in this case, however, also expired. Because an accumulation of so much useless industrial bread? Honey and chisels libitum, dating back to first grade report card of the wretched author of this unit from gastric cancer.
The place of elective miserable writer, born when his masterpieces and missed his tongue on the drum beats of the mind with unique rhythmic expressions: the desk. Like Molière, you will die the miserable bending his head on the floor, but not having become Molière. Look at how many libri egli consulta mentre scrive! Ecco spiegata la sua enciclopedica preparazione sciorinata spesso via mail o a distanza. La sedia reclinabile è anch'essa una roba lombo-sacrale. Il pc non è un mac e questo squalifica definitivamente il Miserabile scrittore agli occhi di Steve Jobs. Tutto è freddo e satinato: come il suo animo.
La finestra a volta sul cortiletto verde verde è l'unico motivo per cui il Miserabile autore ha affittato la casa prigione ambulatoriale. Oh, ma quanto legge egli? Ma guarda te che pile di tomi che si tiene accanto, quest'uomo (beh: uomo...) è davvero coltissimo!!!
Questa è la foto lynchiana che il Miserabile ha studiato per ore prima di scattare: cercate voi di capirci qualcosa, guardate che c'entra lo specchio.
Dalla mamma al papà alla sorellina: la famiglia del Miserabile è contenuta negli affetti e in due ripiani di libreria. Anche a questo serve l'altra stanza", oltre a dare asilo alla salma di Lino Ventura in fuga da se stesso.
13 gennaio 2011
Intersezioni --->
----------------------------------------------                ------------------------------
Cos'è WA
1 Edgar Allan Poe by Thomas Pisanti, All stories, poems and Gordon Pym, Rome, Newton Compton, 1992, p. 504
Edgar Allan Poe, op. cit, p. 505 3
under the same
Giuseppe Genna. This work was published last December 4 in his Facebook page. Link
4 Mario Praz, The philosophy of furniture, Longanesi, Milan, 196, p.12
5 term
Giuseppe Genna


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