Thursday, December 30, 2010

Community Service Hoursletter Template

Salvatore D'Agostino What the best blog on architecture of all time? Here it is: its address is BlogBabel as recorded on Architecture
irrational and irrationally Wikio
arkitettonica .
The author is signed but in reality it Arki called Magdalene. On April 4, 2007 has taken 28 years and lives - or maybe he lived - in Genoa.
"I read blogs that I read, as I'm reading your - tells Mitì Vigliero - because it is nice to discover certain things that if maybe the people I met on the street I would way to "read" them. " When asked what good is a blog for an aspiring architect? Responds with
post of July 18, 2007
: "A blog for me and for anyone reading a blog. To everyone I met, for anyone who stumbled on me in recent months. A blog for me, especially. evidenced by the fact that it is one of the few things where I have demonstrated COST. A blog short. For someone just a page on the web. For me, a playground. A hidden corner. A page of paper that is imaginary, of which he never wanted to erase anything, including insults. How footprint remains on the sand. What you might not know where you go. But I remember Where have you come from. "
Sunday born February 18, 2007 at 22:41 :" The blog is under construction ... but I would say :-) active "and is suspended Wednesday
February 13, 2008 at 23:26
"La_Mad: modalità_insofferente (play well enough and hope to return soon to kiss every one of you).
The blog born to talk about his course of study, deviates : "I was thinking about changing templates ... and here asking for help to you ..... do or not do?? This blog was created with the pure intention of talking about architecture ... and the way I discovered that they need instead of talking above me .... This template was created by me: it was my first experiment in terms of templates ... and gives me throw it sorry ....

Magdalene, in a year, tells of his exams, Genoa, love, sex, work for a house, clothes to wear, parties, compile lists, participate in forums, s'incazza, s'infervora, s'entusiasma,
recommend a book on architecture
: "There is a book figherrimo that I'd advise those who are interested in arkitettura, but not all. The title of this book Anna Barbara and "History of architecture through the senses" . It 's a book that enlightened me personally, who teaches architecture to look in a different way, in a spiritual way. Through short stories, quotations from books, pictures and poems told there is an architecture that does not stop watching it, but it smelled, touched, heard ..... analysis of whole cities or famous buildings go down in all directions.
Here then is that there are architectures "fog" architecture "amniotic" architecture "auroral" "Leaps of perception," "iconic materials, architectures that intoxicated" under the blows of the senses, the sense of "moon in the well" and so on. " young students should : "Yeah. We live in a country where, at best, allow you to have a title. You study for years the things that you do not need to anything .... just hang on the wall that piece of paper that makes you build a house, for example.
gives you the opportunity to do so, if we are honest. Then come to work in a studio: you with your average 29 to three exams after graduation ... and discover that you can not do a emerita chips. Of course, you have given tests to which you've designed a floating theater and all the walk of one of the most rimomati coastal towns, have designed a museum and cocks and bunches ..... but do not have the foggiest idea how to make a raised roof or a garage. The things that people will look you in life, unless you have the ass and the talent of a Renzo Piano. A talent I (hypothetically) I could get by. But your ass has never been my forte. "
and protest against a possible law antiblog
signed by Romano Prodi :
"Ricardo Franco Levi, Prodi's right hand man, undersecretary to the Prime Minister, wrote a text to plug the mouth to the Internet. The bill was approved by the Council of Ministers on October 12. Nessun ministro si è dissociato. Sul bavaglio all’informazione sotto sotto questi sono tutti d’accordo.
La legge Levi-Prodi prevede che chiunque abbia un blog o un sito debba registrarlo al ROC, un registro dell’Autorità delle Comunicazioni, produrre dei certificati, pagare un bollo, anche se fa informazione senza fini di lucro». Il 22 settembre 2007 , digita per noia
è trova questa frase: «La vita è come un sito web: solo i migliori sono in grado di scriversi da soli l'intero codice, la maggior parte delle persone usa un layout preimpostato».

Il template è una sua piccola ossessione, and perhaps, before abandoning these Web pages, edit your HTML by creating the best blog about architecture.

Three years ago, exactly 30 December 2007 wrote:

"The paint on his head. People who already roam the house. A Christmas tree that now hinders. The kitchen is already a mess. A sequined top eterissimo. Try the cocktails, because they must be good. The fridge is already full. The paint starts to flow. Another cigarette. A person who I should invite to come here. A year that goes away. A year started with a new year in paradise. A year that will end in new friends. One year: the usual tears, the laughter that open the heart, the bad news, the mistrust and suspicion, the meeting with you, the sun on your skin, a broken nose to ski, swim with their heads under water to hear that sort of amniotic fluid that will bring you home, a job that at the end is pure glory, examination data, a friend who did not expect to find, train travel ... that never comes, evening to morning to finish eating kebab, a blog: this blog, the shades that pull up when you still miss the wind, two new striped cushions, the first white hair, two maybe three influences, a New comet wine glasses, homemade lasagna, a new computer, disappointment ...... one year. And when I think about it, sometimes I think about it, I wonder what there is to celebrate in a year that goes away. But then agrees to party.
To ingratiate himself with the coming years?
Because every occasion is good to celebrate? .... because sometimes it's just important to feel festive.

2008 A TODOS GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, December 30, 2010, paid homage to the most beautiful architecture ever blog, I update the hope of Mary Magdalene:

2011 A TODOS GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
December 30, 2010
Using WA ---------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------

Cos'è WA

How Long Does It Take To Look Like An Anorexic

Good order and good start!

Dear Friends Tonic, what about this last time? The preparation suppresses the cold bites, wet (rain, snow, fog ...) make things worse. You might think that is not a good time: but the opposite is true! Sure, 20 degrees and the sun would be better (as he says Angelo Taylor of the Cassina de 'Pecchi : "The snow is good in the mountains, in Milan Scassa cock"), but as I said before, it is here that see the passion, commitment and desire to go strong when it will.
A little anecdote to amuse those who know the players: December 24, Christmas Eve. In the gym chalk, signed Warthog, in the company and collector Jordi, was doing a workout of pseudo-weights. Cello and The (better known as "the pair reliability") if the conversation were at about 11.15, "Yes, we are too!" they said, to general amazement. 13.15 At the dawn of a more just "let's start now, wait for us!", Brings us back to the usual reality ...
Not to bore you further, I just wish you all the good parties! Of course, for Christmas we are a bit 'late, but you take the best wishes for good. And then I had already found the tree (Christmas Day) with fireworks (New Year) and I took advantage of a wish for a retroactive basis.
On behalf of the Team Tonic , see you next year!
A hug.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hernia Why Does Testicle Hurt

Ciao Isabelle

sabelle  Caro , la  modella  francese divenuta un  simbolo dell'anoressia , è morta in ospedale per una polmonite. La 30enne se n'è andata il 13 novembre, in Tokyo, the total cover of the eye, as the family wanted. Just today we learned of the death of a friend in Facebook. In 2007, when he weighed 31 kg for 1.64 m. high, he was portrayed naked from the photographer Oliviero Toscani for an information campaign on anorexia.
Those advertisements for the brand No-l-ita, displayed on large billboards in the city, went round the world and causing a stir hot controversy. Until then, nobody knew his name. Since that day, Isabelle Caro, as a slap in the face, the face became a symbol of a problem that plagues every day millions of girls, and in recent years, although males.
But those photos were not the culmination of the disease: Isabelle had come to weigh 25 kg when he was pictured in a photo shock as the star of a film presented at the Festival, titled Anorexia.
Two years ago, the model had revealed his dramatic story in an autobiography entitled "The girl did not want to become fat." He wrote that only grew with his mother who, from four to thirteen years, he would practically seized in the house. No way out, even in the garden, with the exception of the annual visit to the grandparents who were forced to tell di una vita normale, della scuola e degli amici. Mentre non poteva vedere nessuno e veniva istruita dalla madre che era insegnante e la obbligava a suonare il violino.
La madre, affetta da una grave depressione, voleva che la figlia restasse bambina e di sua proprietà. Non la esponeva alla luce del sole per paura che accelerasse la crescita, le proibiva di piangere, la riempiva di giocattoli. Il tutto all'insaputa del padre che era sempre fuori casa per lavoro e non si occupava di ciò che avveniva tra le mura domestiche. Proprio questa vita soffocata, aveva scritto Isabelle, l'avrebbe portata, senza rendersene conto, verso l’anoressia.
Ospite in television programs, one year after the campaign had told him that was better. It seemed they were shot. Instead, on November 13 has stopped fighting.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fasten Wire To Concrete

alexandre herchcovitch store

more than architecture, an artifact, a design which when closed does not even look over a building. The minimalist interior is designed to expose what they are concerned, without adding additional color or meaning. Maybe a building too eclectic, leaning in a mostricciatolo fabric so inconsistent? Maybe so, but remember also that we are in Shibuya:)





Monday, December 20, 2010

How To Program Fob For C4 Corvette

di Salvatore D'Agostino

  Urban blog è una TAG non una definizione. La TAG è contenitore di diversi 'punti di vista'

Iniziamo la nostra indagine sugli URBAN BLOG
, raccontando la storia del blog

In less than a year, the blog 'cartellopoli' fought against the rampant degradation of vision in the capital, so that the neologism (cartellopoli) has earned observation by scholars of Treccani

"'s who are the citizens who find themselves on the Net and take to the streets to obscure plants -destruction."

Salvatore D'Agostino
: Why Cartellopoli born?
Cartellopoli : Cartellopoli born to give prominence to the outrageous increase in legal and illegal advertising installations that took place in Rome from the middle of 2009. Born as a tool to put together all the protests, post photos, make a collector of all initiatives. So, to give a voice to do some 'official organ of "journalism" in the protest that was and is fitting to the four corners of the city.
In your post you use a direct language, often beyond the limit dell'invettiva.

Define the advertising dried with nouns: Mafia, Camorra and 'Ndrangheta.
What is their potential turnover?
We've always talked of the "mafia cartellonara" not to attack this or that company in particular, but to describe a system which is operated with logic and approaches as criminals has often ascertained even the judiciary. This among other things, first of all, it hurts the companies themselves.

is difficult to estimate what the advertising turnover plant in Rome. I realize I say astonishing figures, but I think that we do not deviate much from 500milioni Euros per year.

cartellonari The Romans even create a new ad space will not bother to cut down trees, cover the tables of the bus or subway, parks, fencing, occupy cycle routes , blocking passages for Disabled, put alongside monuments imported.
Not only that, came up with advertising 'socially useful' as clocks, signals from the streets or parking lots, pedestrian even if not necessary, and finally the use of roofs of the shrines. Let us be

honest, these bars in Rome, wags are cute.

the beloved Cesaroni that make all the colors in defiance of the rules.
We Rome to Paris?

is the problem, the real cancer that is destroying this city: the lack of social condemnation. The lack of civic intelligence. Given the assumption that the city and its pattern does not affect anyone, there are too few people willing to get angry, too smart to talk about in terms of people who damaged the city and not 'Ganzi' who can do a lot of money. The blog was created to raise awareness of citizenship, to open his eyes. Why bother, since this 'work' nobody does: he does the family, the school does not do it, it does not print.
"The impassioned analysis of Pasolini, of more than thirty years old, should be reversed: the villages that are not are being gentrified, but it is the bourgeoisie that is (so to speak)" imborgatando. Above and beyond the biography of a few individuals sbrancati, or the arrogance of some rich exhibitionist he plays the proletarian ("if you have money, a nice car and a bit 'of cocaine, you can fuck anyone" is a motto of the prison admired and shared by Fabrizio Corona) - beyond the individual cases, applies effective solidarity structural in undifferentiated continuum of the world who does not know it all, is the ideology of those who once called the excluded (the lumpen, the sub-cultural) to be hegemonic


According to writer Walter Siti, for the Romans there is no difference between 'crafty is cool', they are an 'undifferentiated continuum'.
not you think that your fight contro questa peculiarità becera e distruttiva - dell’identità romana - sia persa in partenza?
This may be one way. If embarked the rest of the path should essere in discesa: grazie al passaparola si diventerà in tanti a richiedere un certo tipo di risposte e quando si è in tanti e si spostano tanti voti, buona ultima, arriva anche la grande stampa e la politica. E a quel punto è fatta.

In un post del 4 agosto scrivevate: «
Gli step sono i seguenti: piccoli movimenti popolari > un blog > azioni civiche di piccolo sabotaggio > l'attenzione della stampa locale > l'attenzione della stampa nazionale > l'attenzione delle tv > l'attenzione dei grandi programmi di inchiesta > il lavoro della magistratura > la punizione Kings

Indeed December 1, 2010 the judiciary has been active, but contrary to your expectations, has obscured your blog.

The Judiciary has decided to seize Cartellopoli for "incitement to murder." It was enough to signal acceptance with enthusiasm-publish the pictures of the billboards "bad" (simple written
) To be treated like dangerous terrorists. Interestingly, there are dozens of complaints against the havoc and damage-this time for real-cartellonari and nothing goes on. When it comes to plug the mouths of angry citizens because of a depredation city that has no equal in the world, it takes 10 days to seize a blog.
This is an episode of unprecedented severity.
I think so. Excluding Urban Blog, what were the reactions of information and the official policy?

There have been many reported by local politicians, municipal councilors and even Hall of Presidents. Of course, always too short, but it is something. This link
is all documentation relating to the press as well as our fundraising .

What will you do? fundraising - the release from seizure of the site. We hope to be able to obtain as soon as possible and explain to the GIP has ordered that what is not right.
How long legal? cartellopoli We hope to get back in early 2011. Non avete mai pensato di riaprire il blog in qualche luogo/provider 'Web' fuori dalla giurisdizione italiana? No. Perché mai dobbiamo scappare, lavoriamo per far si che fuori dai confini italiani vadano a finire i tanti disonesti che rendono la nostra città un luogo osceno, non di certo noi che lavoriamo per il bene comune. Sarebbe una sconfitta. A che cosa può servire un URBAN BLOG?
Mi ripeto, a due cose:
ad aprire gli occhi alla gente, a fargli capire che quello che ci circonda, che la sciatteria, il pressappochismo, la sporcizia, il degrado ad ogni livello non è una cosa normale e non è una cosa che exists everywhere; to urge the 'work' administration directing, suggesting, pressuring. A sort of positive civic lobby, which leads to policy decisions of quality.
Courage and Good luck.

December 20, 2010
Intersections --->

Urban blog

Using WA
---------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------ What




per iniziare a capire cos'è successo.

Walter Siti, Il contagio, Mondadori, Milano, 2008, p. 234.
l'intervista di WA.
Redazionale, Tg5 !!! , Blog Cartellopoli,4 agosto 2010 .

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Can I Put 20 Tires On My Avalance

piece of time DIY

is it?
is a cog in an old clock! How about that idea?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mom Anal Adventure View

Simona Caleo

"Beirut was beautiful." So begins the presentation of
Beirut Heritage, a group affiliated with APSAD, the association for protection of natural sites and old buildings in Lebanon. On September 25 marched through the streets of Achrafieh and Gemmayze to protest against the relentless destruction of the architectural heritage of the two historic districts: at least 400 out of 1,200 small houses have been torn down to make way for condominiums than a dozen plans Dubai residential towers and style, in grado di contenere una allettante quantità di appartamenti di lusso. Siamo intorno a un milione di dollari l’uno e a nessuno interessa restaurare vecchie dimore ottomane di pochi piani che in confronto renderebbero cifre irrisorie. I cantieri, a Beirut, non sono certo una novità, fa specie però che sorgano, e a un ritmo frenetico,  nelle poche aree dove la guerra non ha lasciato grandi vuoti e ferite, per cancellare la storia. “History is what used to be”,  ricordano i dimostranti. “Then come the sharks”.

17 novembre 2010

Intersezioni ---> POINTS DE VUE

Come usare WA

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Fotografie e nota iniziale di 
Simona Caleo
: giornalista e fotografa freelance di base a Roma. Collabora con l'agenzia
OtN e con il sito dell'Espresso. Ha collaborato con il World Food Programme
e l'Unicef e pubblicato sui principali quotidiani e magazine italiani.
Per Wilfing Architettura ha posto a question Luca Molinari curator of the Italian pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2010. HERE

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How Long To Bake Mini Cupcakes

Salvatore D'Agostino
"For updates from the road, the Corriere
should start a live video to keep in the background on your computer, otherwise we'll come with Twitter ». E mentre in TV andava in onda: Raiuno: salottino vip;
Raidue: salottino vip; Raitre: film natalizio;
Rete4: questura popolare;

Canale5: salottino popolare;
Italia1: si ride;
La7: film.

Ho seguito la cronaca del pomeriggio romano al computer.
Vi ripropongo i Twitter di AlFb e alcuni screenshot tratti dalla diretta del Corriere TV. Le voci di sottofondo del video, erano spesso degli studenti, che urlavano ai devastatori:
Basta! Basta!
"  o "
Cretini! Cretini ". [11.02] Primi blocchi per le manifestazioni. Problemi a Piramide
[13.01] Scontri a Piazza Venezia
[13.31] (in giro) l'inutile via Arenula è chiusa al traffico (vorremmo che fosse sempre così)

[13.48] (in giro) la zona rossa red is less than expected, but from the north gate of Moncecitorio (Aquiro away) there is something more than an armored

[13:52] (around) even on the Via del Corso armored giants ever seen
[14:02] (around) the signs of battle Renaissance, mainly broken tiles. The parade continues on Vittorio Emanuele
[14:06] (around) the short-term positive effects: they are many abusive political posters ripped the procession passed
[14:07] (around) also Intesa San Paolo and CR Firenze eye tomorrow should call a glazier
[14:10] (around) also Barclays quite destroyed
[14:32] (in giro) il corteo è sempre sul Lungotevere, in questo momento all'Ara Pacis
[14.34] (in giro) VIGILI IN MOTO HANNO RISCHIATO IL LINCIAGGIO. Su ponte Cavour [14.35] (in giro) un gruppetto a volto coperto sta distruggendo tutto

[14.37] (in giro) DANNEGGIATA LA TECA DELL'ARA PACIS. Ma altri manifestanti la proteggono [14.39] (in giro) ci sono MOLTE persone a volto coperto e armate di bastoni raccolti in giro
[14.44] (in giro) la situazione non è buona. Auto distrutte, sassi che volano. Fate attenzione in zona Flaminio [14.46] (in giro) il corteo è a p.zza del Popolo. Vedo però del fumo verso Montecitorio (è la fumata bianca?)
[14.49] (in giro) CARICHE SU VIA DEL CORSO
[14.57] (in giro) ancora fortissime esplosioni. Due fermati di fronte a me

[15:04] (around) the explosions continue. The police are pushing hard to square with people
[15:11] (around) predictable clashes in August emperor, while there is a kind of battle on the Via del Corso / Piazza people
[ 15:23] (around) new explosions. Something is happening that's never been
[15:25] (around) the police charged with armored p. People, between fires and explosions

[15:26] (around) FIRE Piazza del Popolo. Police entered the square
[15:28] (around) dispersed demonstrators in the square, right on the Pincio. It continued explosion
[15:29] (around) maybe there is a serious injured in road course, a man carried away with his arms
  • [15:31] (around) Blind G. FINANCE IN FLAMES ON THE ROAD TO BABUINO
  • [15:39] (around) at least three cars involved in the fire. Firefighters are asking the hard-
  • [15:44] (around) clashes directly below the door of the people
  • [15:46] (around) continues to fly around
  • [15:48] (around) by First the police back off, the other tries to step out of the side door
[15:50] (around) another is injured police helped with the water fountains

[15:53 ] (around) the police are perhaps failing to leave the square
[15:54] (around) protesters partially dispersed to the Via Flaminia and the wall wrong
[15:56] (around) the opposite seems more Pincio transquillo now, but you can see the black smoke toward the river

[16:13] (around) bonfires on the Via Flaminia

[16:27] (around) also the feast of the Piazza del UNICEF people went disintegrated

[16:28] (around) the situation seems to have quieted, at least in the center
[16:45] (around) the situation is calmer on Via del Corso, which became repopulated with non-demonstrators

[16.47] (in giro) anche il traffico sta tornando piano piano da 'emergenza grave' a 'emergenza'

14 dicembre 2010



Intersezioni --->


Come usare WA
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Cos'è WA

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Will A Hernia Make Your Testicle Hurt

Cari Domus Sensor, avrete probabilmente notato alcuni cambiamenti in domusweb nei mesi scorsi. Alcuni minori (aggiustamenti del layout della pagina e modifiche alla sezione libri) mentre altri sono more significant. You may have noticed, for example, that there is no need to register to read most of the articles and that the registration is easier to make it easier for those who want to register.
As friends and associates of Domusweb want you to be the first to know that these changes are the prelude to much more substantial changes. Over the past six months we have worked on a completely new site that redefines the presence of Domus anywhere.
A new beginning that introduces other features, of which we are quite proud of, and that we would like to let you know.

This does not mean that the initiative "sensor" is completed, change the name from now on will be called Domus network. From the beginning our goal was to create a platform that enhances your excellent contributions, so we hope you will continue to send thoughts, ideas and proposals.

change the site are also the first visible sign of broader changes in the magazine. From the April issue also assume the direction of the print magazine and a group of brilliant new employees will be added both on site and magazine. In 2011, as presenting a new set of digital publications for iPhone, iPad and Android, and continue to add new features and new sections to the site. There is an exciting future for Domus which is for its readers.

The date of launch of the new site is on December 9, will send another notification just before. Do not worry if your previous contributions are not immediately visible at launch - the process of migrating the database will take several weeks but nothing will be lost.

Meanwhile, waiting to read your future contributions, I thank you for being part of the network of Domus.

Joseph Grima

Direttore editoriale


Ho ricevuto questa mail il 2 dicembre 2010. Ecco come si presentava Domusweb l’8 dicembre 2010:

Ed ecco domusweb del 9 dicembre 2010:

Domus triplica e chiarisce i suoi ambiti sia nei contenuti che nella grafica:
1. Cartacea : aspettiamo il numero di aprile 2011.
- double home Italian and English; - articles (various authors) are published in reverse chronological order, ie, the last text inserted at the top and put the others to follow down; - are open to feedback with the opportunity to share them on Facebook and Twitter ;
- interesting report of the post with the map
. 3. Mainstream
: it keeps the blog opened by users, and change section name from a Sensor Network.

In 1996 during the VI Biennale di Venezia, diretta da Hans Hollein, si tenne un convegno dal titolo 'Architettura e media' .

Un dialogo tra i direttori delle riviste più autorevoli di architettura del mondo. L'Italia era rappresentata da Pierluigi Nicolin ( Lotus
) e Bruno Zevi (l'Architettura). Riprendo il tema:

Diamo per scontato che le riviste di architettura continueranno a essere i luoghi tradizionali di riflessione di questa disciplina.

Ma quale ruolo rivestono oggi di fatto nello sviluppo della disciplina?
The architectural review is still the place and the appropriate means of transmission of the 'idea' of the project? How
must be presented and discussed on the architecture magazines?

After fourteen years, we can assume that the magazines are not the only places for discussion of the discipline. In recent years the media have wording affiancanti media 'DIY' Because of the Web, any item on the Internet automatically becomes the media. Using a play on words of the artist Gino De Dominicis On the IO (of myself / God) 3
network without authorization 'editorial' to part '
development of the discipline'. The
of architecture, with their magazines GOD had not imagined the advent of the D'IO.

[Emoticon with sardonic laughter of Gino De Dominicis]
few months ago, speaking of the sites of architectural magazines
I wrote about the lack of research on the use of the Web "It should be emancipation from paper, exploring the inherent capabilities of the Web, trying to experiment with new and more profitable approaches. "
Domus, in this new role, seems to have accepted the challenge by diversifying the content printed from the Web and not taking care of editorial voices in a specific section 'network'.
Among the first post, I suggest you read the open letter study Baukuh Genoa, about the contest 'Italian' of the Italian pavilion: 'Shanghai World Expo' 2010. are some questions: Is it not in the interests of all Italian architects to increase the level of professional juries?

The competition for the pavilion could not be professionals with an opportunity to promote any hope of further claims on the international market? really should deliberately breed mediocrity?
Domus (hopefully) do not wish to understate the events 'jelly' homegrown. As a final reflection will propose again an article of CPY, published the first issue of Domus in January 1928

The history of latter years teaches us that we do not need futurists or nostalgic but smart - why not disabled - observers and operators of this.
In this regard, in the next
with Vinicio Bonometto talk about the use of specific platforms within a Web course on the history of architecture and involuntary Blog Francesco Tentori .
December 11, 2010
Intersections --->
Using WA
-------------------- --- --------------------- ------- What WA

__________________________________________ Notes:


not been able to find abstracts of the conference.


A strong and prolonged laughter echoing in the empty gallery (April 24, 1971).

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Refurbished Older Recivers

Giveaway with Made With Love

As you know I love a lot of the handmade jewelry! I love them and I make them myself and whenever I come across girls with great creativity and enthusiasm are always very happy to let you know!
In this case, the protagonist of the Giveaway is Made With Love in December which will give you the opportunity di scegliere, fra due delle sue creazioni, quella che preferite nel caso di vittoria del giveaway! il vincitore sarà uno e sceglierà fra questi due bracciali il suo premio! I due bracciali rispondo a due stili molto diversi e quindi penso possano accontentare proprio tutte! che dite? partecipate?

1- diventate follower del mio blog
2- richiedere l'amicizia a Made WithLove  su facebook e farvi un bel giretto fra tutte le sue creazioni
3- lasciare un commento in cui indicate nome su facebook, mail e premio scelto

se volete maggiori possibilità di vittoria potete seguirmi su twitter . in questo caso indicate this in the comments please!

the giveaway closes on January 8th!

only for italy

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Apartment Btu Calculator

who is the winner? and some photos! :)

ps names repeated twice with TW's side are those who have entered the second entry for twitter