Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cover Letter For Washroom Hygiene

02-03-0405-06-07-10/02/11: First photos of february

Here's another mix of photos, these from the beginning of February ... the study period.




05.02. 11




Photos taken by Roberta Musumeci
with Canon EOS 450D
on 02-03-04-05-06-07-10/02/11

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bathtub Is Leaking Through The Ceiling

Italy without a real video game industry!

's right gentlemen, perhaps this article will not discover the hot water but could certainly open the eyes of someone (or at least I hope!).

In February 2011 was held on 'International Game Developers Association and the Global Game Jam, revealed that only one thing, L' ITALY HAS A 'game industry! In Italy

video games are increasingly present and not only speak of a presence in shops or in homes of all of us but I speak just a culture of video games, talking about a videogame consciousness itself.

In recent years this industry has ever seen it growing and that is why we bodies that protect the rights of software companies (AESVI), we have associations like the PEGI for the protection of consumers, particularly in terms of content, we have more or less specialized journals that deal exclusively or marginally the topic, we begin to see more and more advertising both on television and the radio or the internet ...

The question that I think you're probably asking is the following:

So what are you complaining about?!

Have you noticed that is missing a very important factor in what has been said just above?

Already own it lacks the creation ... lacks the production ... everything that I listed above is only one led to the actual video game industry.

Think about it, talking about amrketing, it comes to advertising, we speak of consumption .... but what is produced in Italy, really? At this

said Paul Perdecini a game developer ... ITALIAN!

As you can hear in the video message that was sent on the occasion of 'Italy & IGDA Global Game Jam 2011, the situation is really ridicolizzante for our country.

We happen to be represented by Flash games .... charity for beautiful and innovative as you want but are still of flash games without any kind of study based artists.

So what are we really doing for the promotion of Italian videogame?

is clearly not thinking about politics but think to ourselves or better yet to all those who develop or to be able to develop a game, well then I wonder ... but why the fuck you can not find a group that can create something good?

I leave the video message, watch it and think about you too .... and if you go try to suggest something or just to ask questions ... You never know who you look like someone said at the beginning and did not take the trouble to try to do something in Italian ...

Orignal From: Italy no real industry video games!

Hot Water Cornbread With Jiffy Mix

We who are gamers ....

We went to the oratory that only express the bar to play ...

us who upload games with the tape ...

We were poor, if you lose a game and that if you ended up you were a wizard ...

We were playing on the computer, but also played soccer in the street with the other kids in the neighborhood ...

We who threw dozens of coins in the cab of Street Fighter 2 to see the bursts of Chun-Li and challenge the legendary Mr. Bison ...

We watched that little Ken, listening to Iron Maiden and beat hordes of enemies in Double Dragon and associations without parents there broke my balls too ... We

that in front of World of Warcraft we shouted "So I do not helmet!", The famous last words ... We

that playing a coin-op costs 200 lire and 300 lire to the bar in the arcade ...

us who went to games room to see that ended the great Dragon's Lair and Space Ace ...

We would consider "handheld" the Gig Tiger ... We

that early experiments on the Mode 7 on Snes vomited dall'immersività ...

We have that in front of Starcraft yelled "Oh my god, is full of Zerg !"...

We said that looking at Quake "The more so you can not go" ...

us who believe that we could save the world before each game ...

us who bought the Master System bundled with the "box of football, a football autographed by blues, and the large face of Zenga on the box ...

us who bought the tapes dall'edicolante commodore 64 ... We

that in front of Diablo 2 we yelled "Oh my god, that's how you make a sequel !"...

We were playing two hours with a single penny in Street Fighter 2 from even the big challenge us ...

We then great we "beat" in real life and had to go home with their tails between his legs ... We

that "the arcades are full of smoke and tipacci and you can go there" but we went the same ...

us who bought the Sega Master System cartridges to the Playground ... We

we invent acronyms of our name or nickname in 3 letters ... We

that there were enough four pixels, to imagine a world ...

We now have 25 years and we hope that one day someone on our side to share the same passion ...

We who are still gamers ....

Orignal From: We who are gamers ....

How Long Does Trimethoprim Take To Work

With CK = Kalma

Yes, it should be noted that when the speed is not really our forte. The mix of the few events and the lack of time due to the non-updated blog even when there would be something to say!
things first: the February 19 at the Milan Saini, the undersigned warthog launched the second phase of the disc Winter Throws Championships , totaling 45.12 m and another good series: efforza!
know that normally deal only with news of our members (and I stress the word members) of Team, but in this round, it is worth remembering that during the same weekend, the Girl Tonic Marty (In the world, Martina Fugazza), together with three other athletes balde of his team, won the Italian Championship (indeed, absolute) Indoor 4x1 lap relay: good puppy!
That said, the next event of note will be my birthday and Rrrrrrrrrrrobbi (13 and 31 March) and 'I'm the start point of races! If all goes well, I will, as usual, the forerunner and April 2 (indeed, April) will go down on stage, I do not remember where.
Greetings to all Friends Tonic!


Friday, March 11, 2011

Alias Vibrating Funny

Announced Rainbow Moon

Eastasiasoft and sidequest Studios have announced that they are developing a new RPG on PS3 Not valid in the title: Rainbow Moon. From Title

little is known even if we can already give you some news:

  • complex story mode with about 25 hours of play, extended to more than 100 hours, including all side quests and main

  • Character development full.

  • World isometric open to explore more than 15 different zones, such as mountains, desert, grassland, savanna, and others.

  • sophisticated turn-based battle system with a wide range of command of combat skills , Special attacks and the like.

  • action and puzzle elements only

  • variety of more than 20 dungeons and 50 challenging missions.

  • Six main playable characters with upgradeable weapons, armor and accessories, allowing hundreds of combinations

  • detailed statistics online to track the progress of each player.

  • game engine is technically perfect, without constant drops to 60 fps with almost no loading times.

  • Thirty songs in the background.

prospects seem to be all. What do you fans think?

Orignal From: Rainbow Moon Announced

Can Penis Decrease When Wearing Small Underwear?

Chanel SS 2011: Les fleur d'été

Ormai Chanel ci ha preso gusto, ed ogni stagione, propone per i suoi smalti colori che puntualmente diventano dei must.

Per la prossima stagione, primavera estate 2011, propone la linea "Les fleur d'été", new entries have been kept secret, only a photo ran on the network that made us understand that the glaze is a beautiful yellow mimosa would dominate the summer.
And here is that these colors were revealed. Three, Mimosa (577): a nice bright yellow roses Morning (567): a delicate shade of pink and finally a neutral color, petals Beige (557): a nice flesh color perfect for any season.

Now that the secret was revealed, we wonder, what will be the favorite of the three of the season? This year, which will take the place of the nouvelle vague!?
The launch of the products on Market is scheduled for April 2011 ... so all that remains is to wait.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Table Of Best A/v Receiver In 2009

Anatomy of a screenplay - Introduction 2

You have done your homework? Oh, but ... In the classroom there is only one student? Anyways, 'Mr. Kokko, it means that I will continue the lesson for her.

He chose the dramatic premise to develop? Well, because it's time to zinzinnarla! ... Tease! Wise! Test it!

begin ...

1. Evaluate the different possibilities

not enough to just drammatugica a good premise, but should also cover the brain to identify the potential that this could have in the development of your story! (Ok, it is not simple matter of intelligence, but also of technique and experience)

The term potential refers to the direction that might take the idea of \u200b\u200bnarrative. So it is important not just to one possibility (although there appears to be superb), but we need to evaluate alternatives, to compare the different paths and choose the best.

Once again, I wrote just a bunch of nice words ... Let's see how to practice!

Technique 1: Identify the expectations that we have an audience on your premise.

What better way to find the potential in your history but to ask what is expected of a certain premise? Let me clarify taking the example of an old movie: Tootsie. A great actor (Dustin Hoffman) receives no salary for work because of his arrogance, finds himself having to dress as a woman to get a part in a television series. Now, the expectation that it can feed an audience about a story where a man is forced to play as a woman is certainly to have fun watching a comedy in which the protagonist finds himself living a large number of extremely embarrassing situations and hilarious!

certainly will agree with me, though, which is quite normal that people expect to enjoy a comedy, it did not go mica to see a horror! How to give that "extra touch"?

Technique 2: "What if ...?". Do not take it as an abstract thing! Answering this question will help you explore your world narrative, leading to what is allowed or not allowed to do, and, at the same time-will train your mind to move within an artificial environment. The more often you ask the question, the more intensely you live in this world, defining the details and enrich the charm. The trick is always: Let go the reins, let the vague thoughts and opinions without censorship! Never say that the idea is stupid, because the ideas are stupid be the hook of great creative breakthrough. One suggestion I can give you is to play in a very personal note with the contradictions, it is often the best way to create situations for many interesting and full of pathos. Returning to the example of Tootsie

: what would be the most apt and brilliant character who could play as a woman-and that less than anyone else would be comfortable in those clothes?

In other words, what would happen if ... the protagonist was a male chauvinist? I guess that's all guess what the story is filled with potential and the premise with a similar premise-even because there would be shock therapy better than this disguise forced to bring to that individual's moral development necessary for our main character to find its new balance!

continue: it is obvious (if you will) that our hero will fall in love with a girl as his female alter-ego to become "counselor" and "best friend"-always to create a highly embarrassing situation (and distressing) for him it is also obvious that his disguise some horny straight boy side ... But what would happen if we did this boy's father the same girl whom the protagonist falls in love?

Ah, it's fun to complicate the life of our hero! But keep in mind that at the same time la complicate anche a voi! Infatti: chi sarà lo stronzo che si dovrà inventare tutti gli stratagemmi che dovrà architettare l'eroe per uscire da una situazione da ritmi farseschi incalzanti?

2. Individuare le sfide ed i problemi narrativi

Lavorando sul punto 1. sarete sicuramente inciampati in alcune piccole "sfide narrative". Ogni storia ha le proprie, e sono ciò che le caratterizza. Individuarle ed affrontarle subito di petto è l'unico modo per trovare la strada giusta da imboccare per scrivere una sceneggiatura di un certo spessore. Infatti, molti scrittori che non si dedicano a questo punto prima della stesura del testo finiscono per trovarli troppo tardi, a lavoro finito (ammesso che ci arrivino),  sprecando molto del potenziale anche della premessa più buona.

Purtroppo, qua non posso insegnarvi alcun trucchetto per individuarli subito. La fregatura sta che questo lavoro vi verrà facile solo a corso inoltrato, quando esamineremo le tecniche del personaggio, della trama, del tema, del mondo narrativo, della rete dei simboli e del dialogo.

Nel caso di Tootsie -oltre a creare trovate geniali e simpatiche che daranno un po' di respiro al protagonista nella sua serie di bizzari eventi- la sfida risiederebbe nell'esplorare il mondo dei rituali di corteggiamento moderni e l'immoralità dei rapporti uomo-donna, e far emergere come le azioni irrispettose degli uomini abbiano conseguenze negative sulle donne without giving the tone of a homily, and without giving the impression that the univeso women is not at fault.

ends today's lesson.

See you next time, Player!

Orignal From: Anatomy of a screenplay - Introduction 2 dramatic

This Person Completed Community Service Letter

Sony dramatic 3-1 LG (Match finished)

Here we are, from Madison Square Garden in New York City where the two most important clubs in the world of technology, Sony and LG Incorporation Electronics have just finished the fight with a crushing victory for Sony.

Here are the highlights:

  • 20 minutes: LG sues Sony and calls for the withdrawal of targati Playstation products. Sensational goal of Koreans who do not allow themselves to escape the first situation useful for creating havoc in the opposing area.

  • 32 34 69 minutes: Sony's Kaz Hirai, through the assist, lawyers puts his hat-trick of the year that the decrees of Epic Fail LG Koreans must pay € 130,000 in costs to the Japanese giant, the 300,000 PS3 seized and blocked the port of Amsterdam will be returned to Sony and to be sold, but most should be paid to the Dutch state taxes of € 200,000 for each day of filing. (See Conticini du ...)

Pass line director to leave comments. Greetings from Superfrez

Orignal From: Sony 3-1 LG (Match finished)

Gastrointestinal Virus Toddler

Dead Rising 2 - Review. Date confirmed for Deus Ex

After 4 years, Capcom decides to make up for the sequel to one of the finest zombie game ever: We're talking about Dead Rising 2, and this time the epidemic moves to Fortune City "

Plot - The 'Dawn of the Dead? Stuff We passed

back in time and we go back four years: The city of Willamette, Colorado, is invaded by a zombie epidemic, caused by a genetically modified ape that turns humans into zombies. The government is trying to put everything to rest, but a photojournalist named Frank West, a refugee in a shopping mall can bring everything to light.

return in this, the zombies are now co-stars of a reality show, reality is called Terror. This show, which includes the slaughter of zombies in every way the most varied, giving away a cash prize very high.

The protagonist Chuck Greene, motocross hero thrown into turmoil by the death of his wife zombie invasion of Las Vegas takes part in obtaining the Zombrex for his daughter: it allows the drug to infection in the body of a person bitten to calm down for 24 hours. But chaos breaks loose when for some reason the zombies invade and escape from the cages Fortune City. Refuge in one of the shelters with other anti-zombie survivor, Chuck should try to understand what is happening at Fortune City, in intrigues and conspiracies will have to find the daughter Katey zombrex for every 24 hours, all in 72 hours of the outbreak of the infection, estimated time of arrival of the military.

Although the plot is far more complex and the first chapter, it can certainly take the player. Thanks Ardenza want to know you will be prompted to seek the truth until the end, truth will lead us to understand who was to trigger the invasion of Fortune City, connected by wire to the conspiracy in Las Vegas. Gripping storyline and full of surprises.

Gameplay - So many ways to kill zombies!

The gameplay of Dead Rising 2 is essentially based on that of the first chapter, or free choice in any matter: we may not save any surviving or leaving slay joy in psychopaths, we give a damn about what happens to City fortunes and maybe the little Katey. Each choice, however, will lead us to a different ending, and it is these final are to be taken as a "choice of the difficulty in the game. In fact, choosing the easy way or caring about everyone and everything, go to the final a bit 'sad, but nevertheless quite easy. Stand against

all plots and find out what the hell is going to Fortune city will take us to a final complex to achieve, but certainly more rewarding and above all to the final truth.

to the complexity of the last final, Dead Rising 2 is definitely an easier game than its predecessor. Definitely remove the unnecessary respawn of psychopaths was that good a choice, which led to less frustration on this chapter. If you are thinking but a simple game to think again 'moment: Dead Rising 2 can offer one of the highest difficulty of the game today! A season

the infinite play area were added over 50 combinations of objects will be it can combine objects in the rooms of maintenance, thus creating spiked clubs, makeshift flamethrower, and even electric chairs and teddy bears guerrillas.

This infinity of combinations adds to the vitality of the game up a gear, bringing the player to search for various objects to reach all the possible combinations.

Despite everything, the game still has some bugs related to contact with the zombies, which we hope will be resolved. Although at first it may seem fun free, sometimes having to administer a dose of his Katey Zombrex 24 hours each fragment a bit too much play, not to mention boring and long boots , che appaiono fin troppo nel gioco .

Grafica - Fateci vedere SANGUE !

Se Dead Rising 1 presentava una grafica un po' scarna essendo uno dei primi giochi per 360 , Dead Rising 2 invece presenta una grafica più che eccellente .

Nel primo capitolo infatti , gli zombie a schermo erano al massimo 30 , mentre ora si possono contare centinaia di zombie a schermo , e se usciamo nel parco di fortune city , allora potrete anche smettere di contarli perchè raggiungeranno il migliaio . Sebbene in Multiplayer il gioco perda frame in alcune situazioni , la grafica di Dead Rising 2 è eccellente .

Sonoro - La colonna sonora del massacro !

If you think that now the only games with a soundtrack worthy to be discussed are the various Guitar Hero, think again: Dead Rising 2 has a fantastic soundtrack, composed largely of pieces of Celldweller, nu metal, which adds to the game a certain charge during a series of massacres.
The screams of the zombies, the verses and sounds of mutilated flesh is excellent, especially aggressive zombie.

Multiplayer - You keep it, I will smash your head!

Who has not dreamed of in the first Dead Rising to have a companion at his side? Well, it exists in Dead Rising 2! Addressing the whole campaign with a friend or two is probably one of the greatest strengths of this multiplayer .

Anche se , giocare con qualcuno di sconosciuto è praticamente impossibile , ed è fondamentale la comunicazione tra survivor . Come ciliegina sulla torta , il gioco presenta un'altro multiplayer più interessante : Terror is reality . Potremo infatti far parte del famoso reality show sugli zombie , e guadagnare soldi da versare su una partita off-line . Le modalità di Terror is Reality sono divertentissime , si riscontra a volte un po' di lag , ma il resto è impeccabile .

Resoconto finale !

Dopo 4 anni , un seguito così ampio e giocabile ci voleva proprio . Anche se la trama non richiede la conoscenza di dead rising 1 per essere capita , la trama di dead rising 2 is certainly fantastic, plus the multiplayer makes this game a must have. If you have patience for uploads and for a decrease in multi-frame, you'll love Dead Rising 2.


+ Gameplay is enormous.
+ Hundreds of weapons to combine. +


- Boots absurdly boring.
- As Katey pucciosa and be nice, after a while 'you will be tempted to let it die.


Platform - PC, PS3 , Xbox360 -

Availability - Available -

Review written by - Novecento -

Orignal From: Dead Rising 2 - Review.

How To Find A Free Rainbow Puffle

Human Revolution! PSN also

article - Michael M -

After many denials and ready for awaited announcement, Square Enix Italy has confirmed the release date for our country Deus Ex Human Revolution.

The game will be released on Xbox 360 PS3 and PC August 26, 2011.

Below I post the official press Square, where you'll find more nurses:
We are thrilled and very proud of DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION. We look forward to that players can finally try this game unique and immersive. The team worked very hard in recent years to create an unforgettable universe that would introduce the old fans of the license and a new generation of gamers with this remarkable vision of the future, where the choices you make create your own personal gaming experience. DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION, one of the strongest and most loved brand in the world of video games, is an action RPG that provides a hybrid gameplay and multiple game endings.

offering players the chance to play in many different ways, DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION challenge the cliches and the game industry offers an immersive experience where every choice you make has a consequence on the game's storyline.

sure the premises are more than good, but hope remains that they retain all of them otherwise would risk spoiling the name of a game that has made the history of video games!

Orignal From: Date confirmed for Deus Ex Human Revolution!

Homemade Slaw Dressing

Purchases in Stores!

article - KurtzSoftair -

Andrew House, President of SCEE, has recently announced the intention of wanting to make the PSN exclusive titles available in stores .

maonovra The commercial will start in the U.S. territory at the famous chain GameStop.
not yet know anything about plans for implementation at European level (although this obviously does not mean that Sony Europe thrown out of this project).

How do you judge that?

Personally I think the interesting maneuver, which certainly make it much more "known" iu PSN products, affecting especially the group of users that just uses the online system.

Orignal From: PSN purchases in stores!

How To Use Petco Screen Cover Clips

gaming all women!

article - kurtzSoftair -

No geeks, is not an article where you will find girls in your own small state of deep nerdismo.

Today it announced the creation of a small but well-intentioned SH called Silicon Sisters, made up entirely (as can be understood) by women.

Gershkovitch Brenda Bailey and Kirsten Forbes, the two designers who founded the company, said they want to develop titles directed mainly at women, in an attempt (perhaps) to move closer to the entertainment.

We just have to make their best wishes and wait until the first results!

Orignal From: Videogaming all women!

How Does Zeldox Work?

SOCOM 4 - Trophies Revealed!

Articolo di - KurtzSoftair -

Ebbene si , amanti dei trofei ( e con " amanti dei trofei " intendo ovviamente DarkSephiroth ), Jeremy Dunham , Community Manager di  Interactive , Zipper ha da poco annunciato i trofei presenti nell'ultimo episodio della saga di SOCOM , arrivata ormai al quarto capitolo :

Trofei Bronzo :

  • Comandante d'elite - Completa una missione della Campagna Storia in difficoltà Elite

  • N00b - Completa una partita in modalità Multigiocatore competitiva

  • Competente - Completa una partita di ogni tipo in modalità Competitive multiplayer

  • Assault combined - Complete Mission mode Custom Campaign Co-op

  • Honor of Merit - Complete a mission of the Campaign in Custom single player

  • Public expenditure - Get a total of 10 air strikes during Your career

  • Death from the sky - Kill 5 enemies with a single air strike

  • recovery - Destroy a total of 50 vehicles in your career

  • Attack Invisible - Stealth kill a total of 10 enemies in a ' only mission

  • Grenadier - Deletes a total of 25 enemies with explosives during your career

  • Crowd control - Eliminates 3 enemies with a single explosive

  • Murderess of the century - Delete a total of 100 enemies during your career

  • Cacciazucche - Deletes a total of 100 enemies with a shot to head during your career

  • Tweaks - Delete 3 enemies in a row with headshots

  • Vorpal - Deletes a total of 25 enemies with melee attacks during your career

  • Doctor of battle - a Run total of 25 partners during the resuscitation of your career

  • Armed to the teeth - Unlock all weapons to use in ways Country

  • is called Vera - to master a weapon in a manner

  • Oracle - Retrieve information on a mission of the Campaign History

Another 15 bronze trophies are still in hiding (probably related to the story Single Player)

Silver Trophies:

  • undercover agents - in the shoes of 45, do not get caught in a mission of the Campaign History

  • Wonder - Complete Mission Custom Campaign on each map in single player or Co- op

  • Murderess of the millennium - Deletes a total of 1000 enemies during your Career Strategist

  • expert - Complete Mission in Campaign History using only teammates to destroy enemies

  • warfare - Get all the information in the Campaign History

a trophy is still hidden

Trophies Gold:

  • Best ever - Complete the Campaign on Elite difficulty History

  • daredevil - Complete a total of 100 goals in your career

  • Delicious! - Get the mastery of a weapon in each category in a way

  • 45 elite - in the shoes of 45, kill secretly a total of 45 enemies in Campaign History

Platinum Trophy:

  • sooner said than done - Get all the trophies of bronze, silver and gold SOCOM 4

Dunham finally postponed 's appointment to the next weekend, where it will be possible datat announced the release of the Multiplayer Beta.

What do you say? You are too much or too pr0 N00b for these trophies?

Orignal From: SOCOM 4 - Trophies Revealed!

Are Meningitis Rashes Itchy

Megaman 3 arriving on PSN! Back

article - KurtzSoftair -

There's no denying ... Capcom has really entered the turbo in recent times, despite having recently lost a core element of the company.

Just one month after the release Megaman 2 on PSN it announced the arrival, always on the PlayStation online support, Megaman 3.

This will then be accompanied by Ridge Racer 4, a demo of Mortal Kombat and other items unknown at the time that Sony would soon "reveal".

Stay tuned with us, find out what's in store!

Orignal From: Megaman 3 arriving on PSN!

Longwell Power Cordls-13 E55349

Tomb Raider and possibly to the Cinema!

article - KurtzSoftair -

The "recovery" of the saga the legendary Lara Croft is back .... and not just in gaming.
appears that GK Films has taken possession of the rights of franchise and is serious about proposing a "proper" version of archaeologist most famous in the history of the videogame.

In time maybe these ideas took shape as outlined, and then wait quietly, and sooner or later aspremo more;)

Orignal From: Tomb Raider back and possibly to the Cinema!

Corrupted Ds Cartridge

DEUS EX has a date! New Maps For Halo

article - kurtzSoftair -

Oh my Deus (bad ...), it seems impossible, but here we are!
After years of delay , References and delay in style Polyphony, EB Australia has finally annucniati the release date for 'highly anticipated Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Apparently the title will be available aparte by August 25 for the Xbox 360, PC and PS3.

Are you ready to become of the human!?

Orignal From: DEUS EX has a date!

Samaire Armstrongjapanese


article - KurtzSoftair -

343 Industries, now head of the HALO Brand, has just released a video which shows the 3 multiplayer maps in the upcoming DLC \u200b\u200bfor Halo Reach, called Defiant Map Pack.

This additional content will be available on LIVE Marketplace from March 15, at a price of 800 MS.

343 industries has been able to pack a DLC worthy of note for this chapter of HALO?

Orignal From: New Maps For Halo Reach!

Chinese Handwriting Tablet Big

Dragon Age 2: pre-release news! Pre-order Bonus

article - KurtzSoftair -

A few days now UCI stores Dragon Age 2 (set at March 11 for consoles and PC) leaked some interesting news on what will be the plot of this highly anticipated sequel.
The adventure will take us to assume the role of Hawke, mysterious Everyone escaped the pillage of their land in Ferelden, and to follow its slow ascent to power as a champion of Kirkwall.
adventures, legends, moral decisions, and meetings with potential allies will mark the 'passage of the protagonist, allowing also reveal elements linked to him and his "rise to power."

Ryo Mayzuka, co - founder and group manager of BioWare, as well as Vice - President of EA, said, said:
I am proud of the courageous and ambitious direction that our team has decided to start with Dragon Age II, which consider one of the best products ever made by BioWare today. The development team has founded Dragon Age his success on Dragon Age: Origins and today is focused on innovation for a better gaming experience for our players, with better combat, a renewed artistic style and a dynamic and exciting story that together they can significantly raise the standard and for the franchise for all kind of RPGs

These news then add the news about the presence, from the first day of life "of the title, a DLC (and you thought ...) called" The Exiled Prince. "
This additional content will allow you to get to know Sebastien Vael, noble archer seeking revenge for the murder of his family. It will also
can participate in the "mission" of this character or, alternatively, to divert his ideal of revenge against the enemies of the protagonist.

So what do you say, gentlemen? Who you was so entranced by DA Origins which will surely this sequel to the D1?

Orignal From: Dragon Age 2: pre-release news!

Nfl Fire Helmets For Sale

revealed for LA Noire! Warm Gun

article - Wikazuki -

With a press of the boys Rockstar Games, have made the world aware of what will be the bonus for pre-order their new title LA Noire, which will be released on market the upcoming May 20, 2011.

book in fact the game at some select retailers are eligible to receive some bonus content that will vary according to exactly what the dealer to whom we turned. For the moment we can not know in detail what will be the dealers 'official' in Italy, but it is not difficult to imagine the one hand and on the other Gamestop Blockbuster, but it might not be so.

In detail the incentives for the purchase (as the developers call them) were taken as described by SH:

  • "The Sharpshooter" - Dress detective unlockable, improves aim with rifles and guns;

  • "The Broderick" - Dress detective unlockable, improves the skills of combat and resistance to damage;

  • "A small Lapsus" - Case of Traffic Department, and this is a case on its own on the Traffic Department of LA Noire. In this case, the investigation reveals a common theft, the largest traffic of stolen cars that the city has ever seen. Between cars and people disappeared to be questioned, players dovreanno help Cole to solve the most important case of his career so far;

  • "The Naked City" – Caso del Dipartimento Narcotici ; questo è un caso a sé stante relativo al Dipartimento Narcotici di L.A. Noire . In questo caso il detective Cole Phelps deve investigare su un presunto suicidio di una modella . I giocatori dovranno aiutare Cole a scoprire la verità in una città devastata da droga , corruzione e avidità dove la morte di una ragazza non  è così semplice come sembra ;

  • La Sfida " Ricerca dei Distintivi " – In questa sfida di L.A. Noire i giocatori dovranno trovare 20 Distintivi della Polizia nascosti in una Los Angeles del 1947 magnificamente ricostruita . Se riusciranno a trovarli tutti sbloccheranno l' abito Button Man che garantisce munizioni extra per tutte weapons. Moreover, every kind, will earn 5 points extra experience, useful to unlock additional points Intuition - special bonuses that will be used to help when Phelps will suffer during an investigation. Los Angeles is a city very large and the players will look for the badges everywhere, to leave no corner, parking lot or little way;

  • Soundtrack - The official soundtrack inspired by LA Noire.

say that some of these incentives to 'buy are a bit' disappointing, but wanting to be balanced by others (those that give extra missions), which instead will be appreciate.

we were all waiting for more info, remember that Team Bondi and Rockstar Games have announced today a new gameplay video, which will add new details to the many already provided. I do not know about you, but for me to wait until May 20, becoming heavier.

Orignal From: Pre-order bonus revealed for LA Noire!