Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Different Kinds Of Windows Movie Makers

0035 [MONDOBLOG] The new Domus and futurology

Salvatore D'Agostino

... San Rocco,

What San Rocco what? A review of architecture that still have not read.
has just released the second of twenty numbers provided (the first Italian magazine with the deadline) from the theme / title ISLANDS .

Unfinished Sicilian

What is Unfinished Sicilian? The meeting place of public affairs.
will include visits to Palermo at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sicily 4 to 16 March 2011.
CHANGES VIDEO: "Deceiving the time. Unfinished works of the Sicilian style "by Helga Marsala.

Critical futures and # 3 ...
What Critical Futures? One question required that I hope you do not find a definitive answer.
" last decade, epoch-making changes have profoundly reshaped the context within which it is conceived and discusses the architecture. The Internet has made it possible for information and free images were available and instantly accessible by anyone anywhere on the globe. The magazines, once the undisputed creator of architectural criticism and design, have been pushed to redefine its raison d'etre and its own economic model in the light of the decrease in readers, blogs have given a potentially unlimited audience to anyone with a Internet connection. In this context, is called into question the authority of architectural criticism as practiced today: Alexandra Lange writes, "anyone online, whether or not the securities to do so, it is considered a critical and there is a proliferation of discussions , often in the absence of such works architettoniche"

La critica architettonica tradizionale è ancora importante o utile? E può essere qualcosa di più che la mera legittimazione del nuovo?

Se il ruolo della stampa, nella produzione contemporanea, declina irreversibilmente, quale sarà il suo futuro?

Saranno mai i media on line (dai blog che si nutrono di recensioni ai pochi siti baluardi della critica architettonica) in grado di riempire il vuoto?

Quali forze plasmeranno la produzione architettonica in un ambiente post-critico?
The third and last of the debates on the future of architectural criticism be held at the Storefront for Art and Architecture , gallery and event space nonprofit SoHo, New York.

Justin Davidson: architecture critic, New York magazine
Eva Franch: director of Storefront for Art and Architecture
Alexandra Lange: journalist and critic of Design Observer
Shannon Mattern: Department of Media Studies & Film The New School
Kazys Varnelis: Netlab, Columbia University GSAPP
Lebbeus Woods : architect and blogger
Mimi Zeiger : writer and blogger Loud paper

Moderator: Joseph Grima : Director of Domus

March 1, 2011
Intersections ---> ... about ...
Using WA ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ---- What WA


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