Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Determine Max Wattage Of Fixture

Summary of Previously

For many reasons, the TonicTeam is updated frequently lately. During the summer break for the fact that there was nothing to say, during this final season for the fact that there were too many things to say!
things first:
As mentioned several times previously, the current state of affairs, we have a tonic (the undersigned warthog) who competed as if to give him money to do it - 27 races this year - and other tonics 2 (l 'Angelo Taylor Cassina de 'Pecchi el' Accelera-tion) which, however, for various reasons, had to sip commitments. The following list of races will be a little 'on single-subject launches, but it's not my fault if others do not tonics were involved in the various events!
In particular the last month and a half of the verb Tonics was widespread:
- Switzerland (Locarno , August 29, 43.97 m of hard for myself and 50 francs in his pocket)
- to Reggio Emilia (September 4, 45.13 m of hard for me)
- all 'Arena di Milano for the provincial championships (11-12 September, 11 "to 37 Fabione in 100m, while for me to 45.55 m disk and 45.05 m of hammer )
- at Brescia (September 18, 45.13 m of hard for me)
- to Cremona (October 3, 45.34 m of hard for me)
I pay more attention - but also others - have noticed that I have not talked about CDS Final A Silver Comacchio (Fe) : this because it seemed simplistic to add them to the above expenditure. Without fear of contradiction, it must be said that in quell'0ccasione we saw balls of the renowned tonics. Yeah, because the two athletes by service mentioned above, were not due to lack of desire: Fabione is always committed to making the taxi driver for some pussy fashion week training and conditioning and despite ups and downs, has made the slam Comacchio day to come in and give a great contribution to 4x100m, with a second tranche of its (in practice is 200, since the third chasing screaming almost to the subsequent change). Unfortunately thwarted by an ill-fated effort last change outside the area (with a diving header to Fabietto), but we did its part. but was struggling with a hamstring injury that has stuck throughout September, with a relapse just two weeks after the final. Despite the risk of far worse damage the already strained, the Captain ran his 400hs with determination, managing to get to the bottom with a solid fourth place. Time is not important ( 55 "44 for the record), what counts is always the same cosa: ESSERE TONICI ! E come disse Valentino Rossi l'anno scorso dopo aver vinto il mondiale: "gallina vecchia un ca...volo!". Mi cito brevemente e per ultimo per compensare la mia autobiografia delle righe precedenti. Sarà l'acqua, sarà l'aria, sarà il caffè, ma proprio in occasione della finale, sono riuscito ad agguantare il personale stagionale di disco con 47,25m , a soli 18 cm dal personale storico del 2004, prima che gli acciacchi a ginocchia e schiena minassero il mio fisico (?). Grande soddisfazione (anche se quei 18 cm.... mmm, mannaggia!) e quarto posto. Il giorno dopo, vai di martello , onorato con 44,70m .
As far as I know, the other tonics, to work problems, they stopped at the limestone ring tartan, but still actively cooperate, each with his means: and Conc Pavlov with physiotherapy activities, Robbi with his travels (to return, go to Reunion Tonic), Cello with his stories and anecdotes (try to tell you how wonderful it is going to work on a scooter: Ken Follet more!), the Santa ... well, him with insults and threats of sexual violence that constantly pull back when we pat the evening (they are used to keep the group together).
This post would have to appear before questa mattina, ma mi è toccato recuperare l' Accelera-tori in panne con la moto (sfiga 1). I successivi avvenimenti, sono stati lezione persa per lui (sfiga 2) e metro che gli arriva davanti mentre ci salutavamo fuori dalla macchina (sfiga 3): per la serie "certe mattine è meglio restare a letto"!
Rega', questo è più o meno quanto di Tonico è successo in questo lungo periodo senza aggiornamenti. Con i prossimi mesi di preparazione invernale, visto anche il chiaccherato ritorno agli allenamenti del sabato mattina di Cello, cercheremo di rendervi edotti su come proseguono le nostre vite, atletiche e non.
Un caro saluto a tutti i Tonic Friends!
