Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Best Sofa Manufacturers

global warming

Come si può immaginare dal titolo vagamente polemico, questo post non parlerà solo di atletica. Alzi la mano chi non si è stufato di fare tutto aprile (e per ora metà maggio) ad allenarsi/gareggiare in calzamaglia e felpa, manco fosse fine ottobre! E che due coglioni!!!

Detto questo, per ora gli esiti agonistici del Tonic Team sono un po' frammentati. Nel senso che il sottoscritto facocero ha fatto tutte le gare in calendario to date from early April, while the other tonics are still waiting to debut. At least for , this should be done on 15-16 May next to Lodi, during the first phase of CDS Absolute , where will compete in 400hs and 4x400m . 110hs nothing for him not to risk worsening of discomfort in his thigh that caused this the onset. The poor Cello, overworked than ever, unfortunately fails to train as you would expect, and for now seems to have no intention to compete, so as not to kill himself. Dell ' acceleration bulls I have no news since last drink: how are your feet? Last tonic still in business (as far as I know, at least) is the father , which I hope will give us his information through the comments. It should be all, unless Rrrrrobbie , catapult South , do not make a surprise return to the bitter (Montenegro) to make a race case, as the crown of his training premises (bench and mountain running, I understand: we'll see if this innovative technology will bear fruit!). There
When updating after the company!
Greetings to all Friends Tonic and good luck to those who competed!



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