Sunday, June 6, 2010

Knitting Pattern Big Beanie

need to update

By now the pace of updating the blog from our team, is suffering the effects of the lives of its components: less people = less time = less time to compete to write interesting posts (actually more due to lack of ideas that will).
it must be said that the people to write (if possible not only of races and results, but also of great anecdotes that have made us famous in the world), we I (the warthog , nda), , Cello and Rrrrobbie . But since it is in Montenegro, the former working style cotton fields and divide it among three different fields, reduced almost to me only the actual number of writers, which poses problems for at least the arguments. If you write every day of the post where I describe my training (between me and the children of Club Resort Gessate worthy human relationships do not happen to be told), I would say that people would break the balls to the second (from, the first no!) . Therefore, since that cite the ever-excellent fawn ermine, " the blog is not like a woman, not angry if you do not shit for a while '" I prefer to write maybe rarely, but when there is something to say! After this preamble
infinite, beginning to tire me too, we are the facts: eventful week for the tonic current business or the Pini Bros . In order:
- June 2, Mondovi (CN) : after only two and a half hour journey on the spiders from my friend Fabio Vian (if you know it, sfottetelo for the machine, even if they buy a real one), hard race with a result quite crappy ( 43.18 m), partly justified by the platform really terrible (scivolosissima!!). However, it is always hay in the barn.
- June 2, Parma : Emilia-Romagna regional championships, took part as special guest 's Angelo Taylor Cassina de' Pecchi . After a week of plenty to stop back pain ( wings maio! , "as coach would say K), for ours was a 400hs very cautious at the start, with a passage 8 ° Obstacles sooo slow and controlled, but an end to the Moors (it's my big brother and I, to whom I liken it!,-p) that is close in any case better the first exit ( 53 " 82) and with a good feeling for the races to come (Meeting in Geneva on 12 / 6 and the second phase of the CDS Nembro 13 / 6)
- June 5, Donnas (AO) : regional championships in the Valle d'Aosta. Parto positive notes, or my best season record in with 46.44 m . The negative note, however, the organization must be (as far as the cast for charity , the rest do not know!): I did not think it was possible to do everything I'm messing around with four cats members. But the wonderful platform and the breeze friend (even if we have to start at 17.15 instead of 16.40 and those shares even stones know that wind is the best tra le 15 e le 16...), valgono il viaggio.
Ecco, questo è tutto per ora, speriamo di potervi nuovamente aggiornare con novità positive dopo il prossimo weekend!
Un saluto a tutti i Tonic Friends , sempre fedeli nonostante tutto!



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